> Agree or Disagree:People can avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable when it comes to climate change?

Agree or Disagree:People can avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable when it comes to climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why or why not?

It depends what you mean by the unmanageable. We can avoid at least some of the unmanageable by switching to clean energy sources. No matter how bad things get, as long as there is still ice in Antarctica and Greenland, we can always avoid even worse things.

Can we manage the unavoidable? Probably not.

Very simple Logic.

You can only avoid what you see coming and understand the how of avoiding it. So for avoiding the unmanageable, With the wiggle word "can" the answer would yes in many cases you "could". However there would also be MANY cases where you could NOT.

Similar goes with manage the unavoidable. Simple example. You can NOT avoid running your car off a cliff. This cliff is 200+ feet up. So, how do you manage the fall? You do NOT.

So for a simple answer to your question, I Disagree.

I... tentatively agree.

If we start taking the problem seriously, and start acting soon, I think we can avoid the truly unmanageable, and keep the unavoidable small enough to manage.

If we sit on our butts and pretend that there is not AGW until New York is under water or something... not so much.

You are asking something impossible since it is impossible to avoid the unmanageable and it is impossible to manage the unavoidable. Once you are on the ice it is impossible to manage your unmanageable vehicle and once you are over the edge and dropping into the ravine it is impossible to manage the unavoidable. Logic prevails.

Unstoppable force or immovable object? Humans are not super. We can manage what we should, using resources responsibly and adapting to changes in climate and minimizing waste. We can also avoid responding to panic and false cries of sky falling, which is a waste of resources.

Disagree. Humans have found a way to manage everything so far. we manage to live in the hottest and coldest places on earth, something that no other species can do.


You can't fool "mother nature."

Disagree because we don't know ahead of time what CC will throw ar us

Why or why not?