> Would global warming deniers make great politicians?

Would global warming deniers make great politicians?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Leaders no. Trained seals yes.

No I don't think so, they can't lie and ignore empirical data the way politicians do, they would not be able to stand up and say the world is warming ever faster, as Obama and Kerry bluntly lie, while we are in an 18yr pause, they wouldn't be able say to the world will suffer from global warming caused extreme weather, when hurricanes and tornadoes are at a all time low.

Yes, it would be refreshing to have a politician who can interperet data and arrive at correct inferrential conclusion. This means a politician that knows AGW is a scam would be an ideal candidate for any party because they would be serving the best interest of the people.

Denialists tell people what they want to hear. I don't know if that would make them great politicians, but it would make them the successful kind of politician.

Hypothetically? They would hypothetically set up a new party hypothetically called the Tea Party? Then they would hypothetically realize that a new party couldn't win a hypothetical election, so they would hypothetically hijack the Republican Party, and they would hypothetically call any Republican who hypothetically fails to abandon traditional Republican values in favor of the hypothetical extremest values of the hypothetical Tea Party a RINO.

Lol. Alarmists are the ones that HATE reality. If you point out to them that temperatures aren't rising nearly as fast as predicted they just ignore you and start babbling about models and predictions.

Probably not. They can't lie as well as the believers.

They have considerable experience ignoring the real world.

They consistently say things that are proved false.

They ignore science.

Would AGW deniers be good politicians?

Which political party would they join / run in?