> Is towing Antarctic ice to Calif, as suggested by a global warming denier, a good idea?

Is towing Antarctic ice to Calif, as suggested by a global warming denier, a good idea?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Someone once suggested towing ice bergs to Saudi Arabia.


If the ice is supposed to ease the drought conditions then getting it from the Arctic won't work because that ice is frozen seawater. The ice from Antarctica is land based and therefore fresh water sutible for use to water crops or as a source of drinking water.

A stupid idea, you would have to find an iceberg that has broken off a glacier, sea ice is no good, and the problems involved would be enormous.

I have no idea what you are talking about. My suggestion for Cali is simple though. We actually want to reduce the cost of energy AND work on cheaper desalinization. In this way, you can desalinate ocean water and have to energy to do so.

Sounds like someone was going for sarcasm and you missed the sarcasm.

I think you will find that Antarctic sea-ice is mostly frozen sea-water and not frozen freshwater. Only the ice that started as falling snow inland is usable.

It seems stupid to do this

Keep in mind, Arctic ice is much closer.

And global warming deniers keep saying that there's more and more of it.

Why would they even think about the 12k mile journey, across the warm equator, when Arctic ice is so much closer, and doesn't have to travel through all that warm water?

Are all of their ideas 180 degrees wrong?