> China is reported to be implementing cap and trade, and they can do so because they don't need the congress or senat

China is reported to be implementing cap and trade, and they can do so because they don't need the congress or senat

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Should Obama disband congress so he can get more action done to help the environment?

Maybe he could abolish the rest of the Constitution while he's at it. It just slows things down.

If the USA has a disfunctional government, fix it.

Maybe congress could actually work with the president for a change.

HUGO.. Get educated


China doing environmental policy? What are you smoking? They couldn't care less about environmental regs. Best luck.


china is the world's largest polluter. they don't care about carbon pollution at all.

Should Obama disband congress so he can get more action done to help the environment?