> The Sun provides nearly all of the Earth's heat. So how could the oceans warm and at the same time, the atmosphere N

The Sun provides nearly all of the Earth's heat. So how could the oceans warm and at the same time, the atmosphere N

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is magic. That hidden heat magically appeared just when it was needed. Phew. That was close.

Tahkiera, when you get older, you will probably realize that governments don't always have your interest at heart and in fact seldom do. If you live in Countries outside the Northern Hemisphere and Europe, with few exceptions, your needs and facts become even lower on their priority list. They do make a show of making you think they care.

I am sorry, I am a skeptic but I cannot accept your premise, there are several ways heat can be transported to the oceans without warming the atmosphere, ocean cycles and currents can do it, because they are mechanical forces not thermodynamic forces involved.

However this is nothing to do with climate change and works both ways sometimes the heat goes into the oceans and causes cooling, sometimes heat comes out of the oceans and causes warming as in El Nino's and La nina's.

The warming in the 80's to 2000's was caused by a combination of ocean cycles and solar cycles in my opinion and not by CO2.

Cold water from deep sea have been coming into surface to touch with warm air. This huge mass of cold water is cooling earth and at same more warm is pushed into the sea. It's all relative. Seas have lots of cold water and it can contain lots more heat than air. This makes it possible.

What I find funny is that none of the computer models "predicted" this, yet they are still deemed accurate and reliable by the believers. I wonder what it would take for them to either change what they believe, or accept that global warming is a dogma.

Well, Maxx, read some science. it depends on the transparency of the atmosphere to different wave lengths of radiation.

The upper Oceans are warmer than the atmosphere.

You need to look at the filtering process...things coming in are getting filtered. Things on the planet are not filtering out. Climate change has been proven real. No government or scientist will deny this. Thus the global climate change meetings that are occuring all over the world in the last couple days.

They can't, it's pretty basic physics and the main reason we get hot air balloons instead of hot air submarines.

if not for some greenhouse effect the earth would be a winter planet

Yahoo needs to do what Google now does:

Google will stop supporting climate change science deniers, calls them liars
