> The weather recently is really strange...could this be a sign of global warming?

The weather recently is really strange...could this be a sign of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The date is January 19th 2013 and the weather is really strange...world wide! Not just In the UK where I am! Could this be a sign of global warming?! 0.0

Hi Shauna,

There’s an important distinction between weather and climate. Weather is what we experience on a short-term basis and at a local level whereas the climate is based on much longer timescales, typically 30 years or more.

Whilst the present weather in many parts of the world is unusual, this in itself can not be taken as proof of global warming. For that we need to dig a bit deeper.

First we need to establish if the unusual weather is part of a longer term trend. Very clearly it is.

Being in the UK you can’t help but notice that the weather has become increasingly erratic. In recent years there’s been the worst heatwave on record, the highest temperatures ever recorded, the longest periods of drought, the highest incidence of flooding – all of these are parts of long-term trends, ones that have been particularly apparent since approx 1980 when global warming took off.

The recent cold weather in the UK has three main contributing factors – a reversal of Arctic weather known as an Arctic Dipole Anomaly (AO), an inrush of cold air caused by an event known as Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) and significant disruption to the Polar Jet Stream (let me know if you want any of these explaining in more detail).

Disruption to the Arctic weather and the Jet Stream are almost certainly a consequence of global warming and as the world warms they’re becoming ever more disrupted. In this instance the SSW may or may not have been influenced by global warming.

Almost everywhere on the planet has warmed up in the last 30 years or so with the most pronounced warming having occurred in the Arctic. This has disrupted weather systems which then have a knock-on effect on surrounding weather, the result is that events in the Arctic can disrupt weather thousands of miles away.

There has been a drastic shift & change in the weather & climate. Much of which is caused by abuse to this earth. Also...check out Jesse Ventura Conspiracy theory...he spoke about the air planes dumping crap into the atmosphere creating rain. What goes up must come down & this will in return effect everything on the earth. As a society we are constantly taking & taking from the earth & not returning it back in a favourable way, thus creating an imbalance in the weather & climate. Monsanto Company is reproducing food that has GMO's in it, this also effects EVERYTHING! Did you know that the government has a place in the Arctics where they are storing seeds, in the event that the royally mess up the original seeds? Oil companies are drilling where they should not be drilling, off setting the natural balance of the earth..which in return will create devastation as proven by the Huge BP spills in the gulf...which still has not recooped. There are so many real facts that point to not only Global Warming, but the major effects & ways of destroying the earth. Many Blessings...glad I am not alone in thinking about this question.

It is. Scientists have confirmed it. It's not going to come in the form of one huge obliteration of the world. It will be Hurricane Sandy. It will the the massive earthquakes. It will be the drought currently plaguing the agricultural business. It will be rapid changes in temperature. It will be typhoons and tsunamis and twisters. Slowly but building. We won't be here when the world ends (or maybe we will) but the process has certainly begun.


As trev says there is weather and climate. This is likely weather although as time goes on and you keep getting really cold weather or really warm weather on a yearly basis say 3 or more years in a row then I would vote for climate change. There is always weird weather In 1990 in January I think we had 75, 80 then 30 degrees and it went back to winter

The things to watch are the drought, flood, heavy rains, heat waves and desertification as well as ice melt and rising seas. We are definitely in the midst of global warming/climate change since @1979 These are going to be the stand out events that become a seasonal standard for some areas and increasing in severity

Observing a polar bear eat a baby polar bear is emotionally difficult for humans to comprehend and while claiming the effect of global warming is the reason this is occurring may give some people the false impression that we can stop it from happening the truth is avoiding male polar bears (who eat young polar bears to eliminate competition and to get females to want to mate) is one of the primary concerns female polar bears have when raising their young.

The point is your observations are based on a very short period of time, and biased by your opinion of what you think is good or bad. The truth has no bearing on how you feel.

weather is not climate, but a changed climate will result in weirder weather. You cannot change an average without changing the extremes.

think of it as loading the dice. if there are two sixes, there is no way of knowing if the 6 you get was the original 6 or the newly painted 6. All you know is that you get more 6's

No this a sign of cooling, a solar cycle, solar cycle 24 (now) is a wimp, and cycle 25 may not even appear, the Sun drives our climate, you don't need to be a scientist to know that, (it gets cold at night and in winter THE SUN and hot in the day/summer) our sun is a variable star and is not constant, google "john (jack) eddy solar minimum" Co2 may have an effect on our climate, but compared to the sun it's nothing.

the earth has shown no appreciable warming per official ipcc statistics since 1996.

as much as the alarmists do not want to hear this fact , it is just that , a fact.

whilst many parts have had record heat , those with record lows are not mentioned, all in accordance

with the left leaning lemming media who broach no discussion on what is for them a foregone conclusion, facts be damned!

Undoubtedly. Check skepticalscience.com for confirmation.

The date is January 19th 2013 and the weather is really strange...world wide! Not just In the UK where I am! Could this be a sign of global warming?! 0.0

Define strange ? It was sunny today in Missouri nothing abnormal . raining frogs or other

things would be strange .

Any warmer will tell you It is an irrefutable proven fact beyond question. Believe it if you like, I don't.