> Should consumers pay TRILLIONS of dollars each year to the oil industry whose product is wrecking the global climate for

Should consumers pay TRILLIONS of dollars each year to the oil industry whose product is wrecking the global climate for

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Trillions of Dollars! Oh! No! We're gonna die!

Oh my God YOU'RE RIGHT! Let's fix this right now!!! So what's your better idea? You do have a solution right?

Let's all just quit using oil so no more gas, no biggie right just no cars? Well no trucks to haul products either, and no airplanes, and no trains - so we'll just localize our markets. At least we'll still have heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer though right?

Well yeah I guess all of the power plants are getting shut off if employees can't drive their car 5 or so miles every day to get to work. But at least we'll have running water - for as long as the power stays on and they don't run out of replacement parts for the countless pumps.

Hey, Google will work still - even though 99.99999% of the rest of the world won't, Google can stay online for like a thousand years!

So yeah, good call genius - let's get rid of big oil, and paved roads, and any rubber or plastic product, and manufacturing, and shipping. Who needs the probably billions of jobs that depend on oil every day right?

without oil, we'd be without 1000's of different products

Most of the money "going to the big oil" corporations is used to help the poor pay for heat in the winter. I should be surprised that a liberal wants the old and the poor to freeze to death, but I've learned that there's no bottom to the lefts depravity.

Marijuana now legal where you live, Dook?

bad drugs dude


Or do we need to lie about science in order to save America from being taken over by UN trucks driven by Illuminati Warmists?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_oil_and_gas_companies_by_revenue