> The climate is getting colder so why do people foolishly cling to their global warming theory?

The climate is getting colder so why do people foolishly cling to their global warming theory?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
At the moment the climate is not getting colder or warmer, it has basically flatlined for the last 18yrs, it might carry-on flatlining, or it might get warmer or cooler, either way I doubt CO2 will have much to do with it, there are so many other factors that effect our climate.

The global climate, on average is warming. It can be see in thermometer readings, satellite radiation readings, and in steady sea level increases.

All this over the last half century when the Sun's radiation is lower, but the CO2 level is higher.

The real question is, despite this evidence, and with no evidence to the contrary, why do people foolishly deny it?

It's not getting colder. It also isn't getting warmer. So they should at least adjust the theory downward to where high levels of warming are unlikely, and low levels are more likely. The IPCC went partway in their last report lowering their expected warming amount to 1.5C from 2C, but did not lower the high end.

It's getting colder in a very odd way, in which each succeeding decade is warmer than the one that preceded it.

Weather is getting colder because WINTER IS COMING.

Well, I have noticed that many years ago I would have to shovel 4 feet of snow off my driveway. Have driven motorcycle in the winter the last number of winters. So, it is changing.

Pitiful. The climate is warming bit by bit. It is much warmer now than when I was a kid--if you will only accept personal experience and not science.

It's a religion to many people. Or they are making money from it

Unsound logic. You start with a false axiom. Global climate is NOT getting colder. It's getting warmer. So your conclusion used in your question doesn't follow.

Don't tell me you live in the Northern Hemisphere....

not getting colder

the global average temperature is going up. a real skeptic would check