> Dr Ferenc Miskolczi says CO2 climate change is not going to cause warming, is his theory correct?

Dr Ferenc Miskolczi says CO2 climate change is not going to cause warming, is his theory correct?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm skeptical.

Gee let me think what would my answer be, oh wait I know, yawn!


Of coarse deniers won't like something from realclimate so what does their old friend Roy Spencer think about this


Whoops, "Miskolczi has found NOTHING that departs from the fundamental mechanism of the greenhouse effect."

Marine5, HARRP (actually it's HAARP) nonsense is not even worth bothering with, this is from the fantasy of things like chemtrails the yeti and aliens building the pyramids. Such things are best left to people who think a hat made of tinfoil can protect them from species that can cross interstellar space.

I would say that making claims that we will have run-away warming that will ruin our planet is ignoring the natural checks and balances built into the planet. Another issue that seemingly remains ignored: population dynamics as it relates to the human population. As population density increases so too does the frequency of diseases that wipe out large numbers of organisms within the community. At several billion individuals, and counting, humanity is approaching a breaking point at which probably half of the population globally will simply die from sickness and starvation. That is biological reality.

Miskolczi claims that the greenhouse effect should maintain a balance, so that every increase in a GHG should lead to a corresponding decrease in water vapor (and vice versa), effectively implying a climate sensitivity of zero.

A climate sensitivity of zero is completely incompatible with historical temperature variations, as it would imply an unchanging climate in direct contrast to historically recorded temperatures changes on all timescales. Miskolczi also claims that “On global scale, however, there can not be any direct water vapor feedback mechanism, working against the total energy balance requirement of the system. Runaway greenhouse theories contradict to the energy balance equations and therefore, can not work.” This demonstrates a lack of understanding of feedback mechanisms in the climate

He is 1000% Correct...

"Climate Change" is the Politically Correct name for

the "HARRP Program"...

That is dumping Tons of Chemicals into OUR Skies on a daily Basis...

Looks very reasonable to me, it sure does better than the atmospheric computer models.

But obviously it is going to upset an awful lot of people, I mean how can they control and regulate the people without a climate scare.

Firstly : its not a "theory"

Secondly : why dont you actually read the paper before pretending you know what he is saying?

You just posted that.

It was your last post.

Just because you make anonymous posts doesn't mean that we don't know it's you.

And it's still Bunk.

No, it's not. That's why he publishes in this fake journal.
