> Slogan about carbon footprint?

Slogan about carbon footprint?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
how to rectify carbon footprint say some slogans

Turn off your computer and go play football.

Let he who is without carbon cast the first stone.

(Just in case people don't know: Everyone is made out of carbon and everyone eats food made of carbon.)

A comment on the information kindly provided by Will T. You should probably study the 800,000 year graph of CO2 and temperature in more detail.

1. That shows that temperature rises and falls before CO2 does. So it is not possible that CO2 cause the temperature to increase because the events happen the wrong way round.

2. Al Gore's film with a similar graph to that in it was found wanting in a UK court and cannot be shown to children in schools without the children's attention being drawm to many pages of disclaimers.

3. Look at the last (current) temperature peak. Is it lower than or higher than the previous peaks? To save you looking it is lower - so why the panic?)

If you have a "Gore"illa sized carbon footprint,

Don't lecture the rest of us. Hypocrite

''Kick the habit''[the carbon habit]

"Make an impression without any emission"

"Do you want your FOOTPRINTS to be black?"

(Note that carbon is associated with black)

Keep you carbon down, our we'll all be drowned. (relating to see level changes)

For the doubters who will no doubt jump on this thread please read the following before spreading your ingnorant views amongst kids who are trying to educate themselves.


how to rectify carbon footprint say some slogans