> Was michael mann arrested for anything to do with climate?

Was michael mann arrested for anything to do with climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ball and Steyn were maliciously sued by Mann. Mann's hockey stick is a fraud. Everyone knows that. It was intended to raise taxes. It was intended to scare people into giving up their liberties. And Mann's further actions were to take on two small fish and put them away. Then take on bigger fish. This would do two things if successful. One it would take away these two's freedom of speech. Two it would give some much needed legitimacy to his stick. Mann couldn't do it on a scientific basis so you sue it to be true. This shows the utter bankruptcy of the greenie movement.

This just clearly shows the hypocrisy of the green movement. Mann claims to be a scientist but fails in the arena of science. So you go to the legal arena.

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Notice, " vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent," in particular. It is an old formula. One used by evil people for centuries. Even before Goebbels. Just look at the Inquisition. It is the same old thing. Only rather than pouring hot lead down your boots the modern day evils try to use the court system to bully the people into submission.

Let us face it. You who support Mann are supporting an evil person. Now admit it.

"The statement by Ball if public was libelous and Mann would not be required to produce anything."

Ball was stating his opinion that Mann should have been prosecuted for fraud.I think Mann should be thrown in jail for fraud myself. The Hockey stick was a complete work of fiction. If Ball is claiming that the fraudulent Mann is a fraud and the fraudulent Mann is disputing that he is a fraud, then of course Ball should have access the the fraudulent Mann's records pertaining to his fraudulent study

"It would be up to the province or Canadian government to file charges."

In a civil case?

"In a lawsuit of this nature for it would be necessary for Ball to prove that Mann was indeed a criminal and unless he could prove this he would lose"

I think in this case he would have to prove that Mann committed fraud. I seriously doubt Ball could prove that the fraudulent Mann committed fraud though. I think he could prove that the fraudulent Mann obviously cherry picked his data, that he changed data to fit his theory and that he is a sham of a scientist. It would no doubt be embarrassing to Mann but that's it.

The 'article' Maxx linked to is written by John O'Sullivan, a fellow author along with Tim Ball of the book "The Sky Dragon Slayer" and who is a former British schoolteacher who has been caught misrepresenting himself, his employer and his legal qualifications as well as his academic studies.

The 'news' regarding this case given by O'Sullivan is entirely the result of his imagination (either with or without extensive use of alcohol) and absolutely nothing he states is true. Real skeptics would of course question the legal expertise of someone who a) obtained a degree from a known diploma-mill, and, more importantly, b) who has been caught lying about his legal qualifications and expertise on many occasions before and who was shown to have claimed credit for numerous articles written by another John O'Sullivan.

Yet despite all this, whatever O'Sullivan writes over at the euphemistically named Principia Scientifica (where Ball is the Head Honcho, btw) is taken for granted and not been skeptical about for even one moment. Rrright.

I note grigo got a thumbs down for pointing out the relationship of the author of maxx's puff piece to Ball, the other person cited in that link who it also claimed will count sue Mann, compared Mann to a child molester, I think any court will take a dim view of that and that case is not one of libel but deformation. Frankly if the denier in question did say that he should be ashamed of himself if he said in any digital or published form I would say he has already lost any case that would come, as that is a clear cut case of defamation.

Makes a bit of joke of recent denier claims that we insult them.

The statement by Ball was a joke, and by a joke, I mean just that. I'm sure Ball wasn't serious. Mann should have just shut up about it IMO. It didn't help him at all. Even if Mann were completely innocent and I agreed with him and I don't, he should have just shut up and not filed that idiot lawsuit. He needs to fire his public relations person or get one.

Whether or not Tim Ball was joking, it is the sort of statement which contributes to hatred of climatologists. Hatred can only lead to violence. And of course, if the evidence were on the side of the "skeptics," they would be able to make their case without resorting to ad hominem arguments.



I hope that Michael Mann sues you to and takes everything you have and leaves you destitute. It is you, Joseph Sagebrush Goebbels, who is an evil person.

Ball declined to take the humor defense, and instead said he was speaking the truth. This allows him to conduct discovery to prove his case.

Whatever the ignoramus deniers' half-guess about what they half-understood about the anti-science blogger's half-truths about the recycled myth / paranoid fake conservative fantasy / wannabe character assassination of the week tells them, is the gospel "truth" of "true scientists."


And can a climate scientist be sued for malfeasance as Maxx suggests. I man for Christ's sake he isn't a doctor and didn't slip his hand in Ball's panties, did he??

The statement by Ball if public was libelous and Mann would not be required to produce anything. It would be up to the province or Canadian government to file charges. In a lawsuit of this nature for it would be necessary for Ball to prove that Mann was indeed a criminal and unless he could prove this he would lose