> Why is the New York Times advocating stabbing "Climate Change Deniers" through the heart?

Why is the New York Times advocating stabbing "Climate Change Deniers" through the heart?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Leftists always resort to violence and intimidation to coerce others into adopting their point of view when their logic and reasoning fail to persuade. All one has to do is watch how they protest anything. The wall street and anti war protests for example. No conservative protest ever caused destruction to property and unlawful disruption to the activities of normal citizens on a vast widespread scale like the leftists did. In fact some of those OWS protestors tried to attack and terrify little 5 and 6 year olds trying to go to school because they were "children" of the 1 percenters.

AGW cultists are no different. They like to make televised PSAs depicting a small child who questions the validity of AGW getting blown up (murdered) in a violent bloody manner by an authority figure in his life. It's a typical mindset of a sick and demented group trying to push an agenda. To even depict the notion of murdering someone because they question or dissent from an idealistic point of view is precisely what the Catholics did to the Jews and Muslims during the Spanish Inquisition. It's what radical militant fundamental Islamists are doing to non muslims today. And when the AGW cultists advocate the kind of violence and depicting innocent little kids getting murdered by an AGW cultist because the kid questioned the validity of AGW theory then the mindset of these cultists are no different than those who tortured and murdered people under the Spanish Inquisition and Extreme Islamic Fundamentalism or in the name of any other religious idealism.

I seriously believe there is no such thing as a peaceful leftist considering that leftists will always justify the means to get their way. Tyranny is at the very heart and core of every leftist. Why? because in a leftist's mind compassion and morality always must come at every one else's expense and never their own so they use whatever means, almost always government, to force their vision of compassion and morality out of others and that mean using whatever means to subdue resistance to that.

AGW cultists are no different. You read about them advocating violence and oppression to intimidate. To their dissenters they have censored, threatened, demanded incarceration, demanded branding and tattooing of the skin to identify, demanded Nuremberg style public trials of dissenters, demanded public humiliation of dissenters, demanded excommunication of dissenters, demanded financial ruin of dissenters, demanded even execution of dissenters, etc. etc. Such is so reminiscent of life in Nazi Germany under Hitler.

Anthony Watts pointed it out:

For the Nazis,

One crucial factor in creating a cohesive group is to define who is excluded from membership. Nazi propagandists contributed to the regime’s policies by publicly identifying groups for exclusion, inciting hatred or cultivating indifference, and justifying their pariah status to the populace.

There’s a picture you can find online of the “stereotypical Jew”, which was drawn by Nazi cartoonist Philipp “Fips” Rupprecht and published in the newspaper Der Stürmer sometime before the end of World War II. Although different in some respects to the “stereotypical Denier” in the NYT, there are a number of similarities. Both subjects are male, well-dressed, rather plump and well-fed and standing with their chests slightly thrust out. Both have distinctive noses – the Jew has a large hooked nose and the Denier has one that is more reminiscent of a pig’s snout.

Libtard humor. Say something hateful, and then yell "It's a joke!"

Imagine the outrage if Rush would have suggested a liberal should die for not agreeing with him. What happened to the left's demand for more civility after the Tuscon massacre?

It's a cartoon, which often make off the wall jokes sometimes in poor taste, compare that to the real death threats some deniers have sent to people on the other side and I think the ones who want to push violence are pretty obvious.

As I recall deniers have quite often used stories from the NYT to push their case so it is not an alarmist friendly paper.

Liberals like to kill . Bill McCribben of 350.org helped make those PSA of blowing up people

Political cartoons are provocative or even insulting on purpose.

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions..." - Thomas Jefferson

-Because "Common Sense"- has never been One of Their Strong Points ?! :o

Is this supposed to be funny? This cartoon depicts using an icicle to stab "Climate Change Deniers" in the chest. http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2014/02/09/opinion/sunday/see-something-say.html?_r=3

But if there is REALLY man-made Global Warming, maybe the New York Times should be asking where this huge excess of icicles came from in the first place.

What if the situation was reversed and it was skeptics implying that Warmists should be stabbed in the chest, do you believe the New York Times would think that was funny too?
