> What's the biggest environment problem for you?

What's the biggest environment problem for you?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are loads of ideas about potecting environment but I'm just looking for the ones that have priority.It may be like Pollution,global warming etc.

I think the fundamental cause of most of our problems is over-population. But "fixing" it creates other problems, like for example our successful free-market economy is based on an increasing population.

I'm not sure where exactly you are located, but the California drought has been devastating with historically low rainfall. This is also occurring in other areas of the country and has taken a huge toll on agriculture, hydroelectricity, and water dependent ecosystems.

1) "Scientists" who want to ignore natural sources of pollution and contribute everything to man so in some cases they propose changes that have limits below natural background levels.

2) Climate Scientists who rely on computer models where climate scientists have programmed assumptions to get the end result that they need.

3) That even professors at Berkeley understand that China, India, Russia, and Brazil are increasing emissions of green house gases faster than the Europeans, Canada, and the United States are reducing their emissions.

Too many people. Half as many as we currently have would be a blessing, the two billion more people we'll have by mid century will be a curse. There's nothing on the horizon to stop this increase or to stop the effect of climate change either. I suspect that by mid century there will be a massive crash in population. There will be yeasty times!

Coyotes, they are taking over and have a free pass to eradicate any wildlife in its path, they are ruining the natural ecosystem.

The cutting down of trees because they turn carbon monoxide in to oxygen

Failure to understand that we are now in charge of the place, and the only ones that can do the necessary maintenance.

The biggest problem for me, and for everyone else, is the fact that there are too many policy makers in office that only have an 18th century understanding of the 21st century science. ... Ignorance may be bliss, but these people treat ignorance as if it is a virtue.


*BB- that is an understatement. Just look at how much trash liberals protesting for environmental causes leave behind. I spent 2 days cleaning up a beach where some econazis held a rally for the environment. It was disgusting.

For me biggest environment problem is this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co...

There are loads of ideas about potecting environment but I'm just looking for the ones that have priority.It may be like Pollution,global warming etc.

The thousands of tons of trash left in the Arctic and in Antarctica by Climate Scientists over the years. Shameful!!

Humans causing global warming by burning fossil fuels. If we do not solve AGW, pretty much every other environmental issue moot.

What good is saving a watershed, if global warming just turns it into a desert?

What good is saving old growth forest on the West Coast if it is just going to be drowned by rising sea levels?

Plastic bags!

I'm not aware of any big environmental problems, the Earth is doing just fine in spite of all the propaganda.


The biggest problem has to be the lies of the greenies.