> Is this type of elected official someone who really votes on issues that concern Global Warming?

Is this type of elected official someone who really votes on issues that concern Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Thanks for the laugh Cyclops!

Guam will tip over if too many people are on the island?

Clearly this guy, on some hard-core drugs or not, is not the brightest intellect even relative to the semi-lobotomized U.S. Congress. Nevertheless, the circumstances and context (ask an adult to explain those "big words") are relevant ( from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hank_Johnso... ):

"During a House Armed Services Committee hearing in March 2010 concerning the U.S. military installation on the island of Guam, Johnson said to Admiral Robert F. Willard, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize", to which Admiral Willard replied, 'We don't anticipate that.' Johnson's office later said Johnson "is simply a tremendous deadpan" and that he was using a facetious metaphor."

"In December 2009, Johnson revealed that he had been battling Hepatitis C (HCV) for over a decade, which resulted in slow speech and a tendency to regularly get "lost in thought in the middle of a discussion". Johnson said that he learned he had the disease in 1998 but did not know how he contracted it. HCV-induced liver dysfunction often leads to Hepatic encephalopathy, a cause of confusion. Symptoms are often reversible with treatment. The disease damaged his liver and led to thyroid problems. He was treated with a combination of ribavirin and interferon at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. In February 2010, Johnson successfully completed an experimental treatment for Hepatitis C, which resulted in restored mental acuity, weight gain and increased energy."

Resulted, but not within one month, quite apparently.

No such excuse, however, for Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, etc. Their idiocy is genetic. Ditto for many of the Republican half-wits who voted for them.

In the first half of that clip he appeared to be drunk or on some kind of drugs, I though initially he might have been speaking like that because he didn’t have a very good command of the English language. At that point I didn’t realise he was a US citizen with a fine command of the language. I don’t know what happened midway through bet he suddenly became a lot more coherent.

He did say afterwards that he used the term ‘to tip over’ metaphorically and in a jocular manner, but I don’t buy that. During the debate there was nothing to suggest he had any thought in his mind other than the island literally tipping over, something that’s reinforced by his hand-gestures showing a tipping motion.

Presumably, until some aide told him otherwise, he though that islands were floating. It would be good if they were as you could tow them anywhere you wanted – you could establish your military base then tow the whole thing to the conflict zone. And if the weather forecast was poor you could tow the island somewhere better. I like that idea, I might see if I can get me a floating island.

I’m not familiar with Hank Johnson, is he normally compos mentis or did we see him in typical mode? Certainly on that day I don’t think I would have wanted him to vote on any motion.

I've erased my response as the discussion is going nowhere. Anyways, I agree this guy is babbling on about something he doesn't know that much about. Overall I believe the majority of politicians and such know little about the actual science involved and more about what the public wants them to see it as. This is why you should never trust a politician unless they are well studied in the area. And even then questions will still be there. It's like trusting a lawyer. Overall, though, I would say this is the extreme.

So, someone who believes in global warming thinks that Guam can tip over.

Ad hominem fallacy.

he sounds like a typical democrap and he would fit right in as a warmist YA answerer

He represents the DNC perfectly along with Sheldon Whitehouse and Debbie Wassermann Schultz . Schultz said Obama-care has no taxes , She is a liar and brainless.

The way I see it, he makes more sense than AGW. Kind of sounds like 'the missing heat theory'.

Thanks for the laugh Cyclops!

Guam will tip over if too many people are on the island?
