> How bad is it going to get?

How bad is it going to get?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
So, you think you are going to experience an incredibly bitter winter. Has your country ever experienced one before? My guess would be: Yes. So, what's changed? The weather sounds just the same to me.

If you think your country has not had an incredibly bitter winter before I suggest you start looking at some historical records. It won't be long before you find a winter as bad as this one is going to be.

There is a large group of people working to try and scare you into voting for and accepting some irrational decisions. Don't fall for it. Do me a favour. You make notes about this winter's weather then look at what happened previously in the same area. I would put money oin the fact thay you will find a worse one.

If that happens then ask yourself if the doomsayers can be believed. As for tornadoes, hurricanes and wild fires they are all down in the US despite what you may have been led to believe.

You will probably discover absolutely no distinction within the next thirty many years. Presently there will always be surges as well as wildfires prior to worldwide heating as well as you will see following. In the event that the amount of surges as well as wildfires raises you will not discover, simply because you aren't keeping track of all of them as well as maintaining an archive as well as creating a chart and that's the only method to note this type of difficult to note points being an improve within uncommon occasions.

Fear mongers and sensational downstream media love it when they can cause depression and severe anxiety. And over the weather? They have conquered the world. However, don't let them conquer you. It is fantasy in the minds of corrupt businessmen and unscrupulous politicians (Is there any other kind?). There's nothing that we can't handle on the climate horizon. We do need to wean off Arabian oil. Arabs don't know how to behave when they get a little money.

You will likely notice no difference in the next 30 years. There have always been floods and wildfires before global warming and there will be after. If the number of floods and wildfires increases you won't notice, because you are not counting them and keeping a record and making a graph and that is the only way to notice such a hard to notice things as an increase in rare events.

Mankind has a limited time on Earth. He has been an excessively bad tenant and citizen. Man will self destruct as he is wont to do at all times right now. Feeding the world inferior foods, waters, drugs, grabbing all the riches, caring little to nothing about the have nots.

Rich people have better, foods, water, clothing, furniture, toilets,etc. They are totally different than the have nots it every way. Nothing to brag about....more to be ashamed...they are the cause of how bad it is going to get. It is good that you are paying attention.

The Earth Has a “Fever”―Is There a Cure?

“Climate change is a global problem,” said one former U.S. president. Would you not agree, then, that a global solution is needed? Jesus Christ pointed to that solution―God’s Kingdom. He instructed his followers to pray: “Let your kingdom come.” (Matthew 6:9,?10) According to Bible prophecy, this heavenly Kingdom is a global government that will soon “crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [present-day governments].” (Daniel 2:44) Moreover, it will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) Clearly, those who abuse the earth and squander its resources will be held accountable and will suffer destruction.

What, though, will happen to our polluted planet? Noteworthy is the fact that Jesus when on earth exercised miraculous powers over natural elements, such as the wind and the sea. He silenced a violent storm just by uttering a few words. (Mark 4:35-41) Ruling in the heavens as the “Lord of lords and King of kings,” Jesus will exercise far greater powers over earth and its elements. (Revelation 17:14) In fact, Jesus described his rule as the “re-creation.” (Matthew 19:28) Another translation uses the expression “the renewal of all things.” (New International Version) Jesus will re-create, or renew, conditions on earth, making them similar to those that existed in the garden of Eden. Paradise will be restored. (Luke 23:43) Earth will be cured of its “fever”―by God’s Kingdom.

For more information on this topic and any other please go to the source below for free downloads, publications, videos or read on line.

Unless you are a climatologist with direct access to adequate data you'll never know - too much politics. Being a non-expert, how can I know? I am agnostic to the issue, and I have difficulty believing anything I read or hear.

No way is climate change the #1 threat, I consider terrorism, virus endemics, economic disasters, solar CME's, asteroid strikes more threatening.

I am 68yrs old and the climate is much like it was when I was a young boy, I do not see any change, just the normal variations.

Mankind does not control the climate no matter how much propaganda says it does. You are worried about nothing but lies.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Watch out for another UN report next week, followed by the usual round of denial.

So climate change is our #1 threat. What do we do to combat it? Reducing carbon emissions by 30% is not going to stop all the floods and wildfires that come as a result of the heating of our planet.

How miserable is it going to be to live in the next thirty years? I am 24 and do NOT look forward to rising temperatures

Already our winter is going to be incredibly bitter; I want to cry because of it. Should I just end my life now so I don't have to experience this?

What are we REALLY going to do to reverse the effects of climate change? How bad is it going to get?

Pay no attention to the cherry picked data of Madd Maxx, a person who wants to put the following people in jail, though I actually believe that he would prefer summary executions for all of us;

James Hansen

Michael Mann

Climate Realist

Chem Flunky

Hey Dook


Jeff M



and anyone who disagrees with him about global warming. You can show that Earth is still warming by a slight adjustment of his graphs



I would like to hope it won't get too bad, but I would prefer not to take the risk, and convert to clean energy sources, such as solar, hydro and nuclear power.

I wouldn't stress about it. Climate change alarmism "science" is slowly being dismantled.

another warmunist who thinks cold is hot.

Not bad at all.

It is going to be a lot worse before deniers start to be skeptical of their beliefs. Fortunately the vast majority of the public will insist their leaders act before then.

Watch out for another UN report next week, followed by the usual round of denial.

no bad

so bad