> When will the Chinese start investing more heavily in nuclear power - to reduce dependency on coal and help polluted cit

When will the Chinese start investing more heavily in nuclear power - to reduce dependency on coal and help polluted cit

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
When counties like Canada stop giving the resource away. China just bought another chunk of Fort MAC and I would be willing to bet that very few south of the border even know what is happening

Maybe it just takes longer for a nuclear plant than a coal plant.

They pretty much have coal plants down.

Hey I wonder if they're putting the nuclear plants along the coast, so that if there is a problem, the radiation will just blow out to sea and ...... well never mind.

Mom always said, when talking to my younger brothers, "Don't plant seeds."

Edit: Looks like I'm a bit late.



Never, I hope. The Chinese government is completely corrupt, as are most communist governments. Can you imange a neculear power plant built under a kick-back system as bad as they have ?? The radiation fall-out would probably sterialize California...

?Mainland China has 20 nuclear power reactors in operation, 28 under construction, and more about to start construction.

What makes you think they dont't?

The are investing in all power. More than the usa on solar too. ...and new coal too unfortunately

They already are
