> Any global warming acts?

Any global warming acts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
has congress taking control of global warming. What are some bills

The U.S. congress is controlled by the Republicans who have (in part) played to the denier movement (for their votes) their self interest was most evident in the recent financial fiasco that saw them holding up funding to the U.S. Government to try a little blackmail. A ploy that had U.S. government facilities and public buildings having to close and sending world stock markets into panic.

Deniers will post their usual rants about this ones they can only ever support with the same old YouTube links see: Maxx's answer.

Why can't deniers provide actual scientific sites with links, simple answer, there are none.

U.S. senate inaction goes back years while some states have acted on their own to move legislation. Deniers keep saying it all a ply to cost us more money but simple facts should tell them that a car that has lower emissions due to lower fuel economy is going to save it's owner a lot of money over a year. A fact that lead indirectly to the almost failure of the U.S car industry (which had to be bailed out) because many car buyers had simply worked that out for themselves and had been buying Japanese, Korean and European cars. Denial of climate change is primarily a U.S. problem the rest of world take their scientists seriously, I think when even China is outstripping the U.S. on action on climate you can see just how delusional denial has become.

Within the science community there is no longer any real doubt that AGW is happening or that we are the primary cause, If deniers dispute that then please feel free to post any "real" science group that do, and please don't try and pretend Heartland is a science site.


Just look at C: Here is a quote from his link, "this version was updated on June 30, 2010 to present a corrected version of ADAGE "Scenario 5 – No International Offsets" that fixes a problem with the model code that overly limited nuclear power in this scenario. This version also corrects a reporting error in ADAGE reference case average annual household energy expenditures."

They are admitting that their previous legislation was horrible and had to be corrected!

In answer to the question: In the US we don't need no stinking legislation. Our President has a pen and a telephone. So he goes against his oath to protect the Constitution, that is a small matter. His puppet masters need more power and money.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

There is no AGW, so no matter how much legislation you enact on the matter, it won't solve an non-existent problem.

You know it is called global warming not USA warming, congress cannot control the whole world (even though it would like to) and global CO2 will go on rising whatever bills they pass.

Climate change/global warming belief might be something that the U.S. politicians push. but China, India and Russia and many other countries don't.

Boy you sure got as lot of helpful answers so far, Well they don't know jack so can't offer you jack

Try this page and click the acts to see which actually effect GW The first link didn't work for me


What global warming?

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Don't worry about global warming it's as real as a zombie invasion I would be more worried about man made viruses being made in underground labs because if one of those gets out then it might be a zombie attack .

Pelosi passed a bill , It died at Harry Ried desk .

Nobody wants higher electric bills for a scam

has congress taking control of global warming. What are some bills