> Has anyone ever noticed...?

Has anyone ever noticed...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes. People who care only about money tend to deny global warming, while people who care about other things tend to accept AGW. But that is not why you should believe in AGW. Don't be like the denialists who love to make AGW about who we believe. Believe in AGW because of the evidence that global warming is happening


And we are causing it


No, 100% wrong, in fact the opposite is true. Not being conned by a political scam backed by zero scientific evidence and observations does not equal not caring about the world.

If you want to believe that a possible 0.2 degree rise over 10 yrs will mean mass doom and destruction, then whoopee for you, and if paying more for everything and letting China take employment away from your community gives you a warm feeling that you're saving the planet, then that's ok, Just don't expect normal people with half a brain to be on board with you and not think you're nuts.

Do you honestly think the people pushing this nonsense give a crap about the planet ?

I support money and resources towards fighting many environmental issues. I also think many are wasted efforts or the cost outweighs the benefits or the problem has been overstated. And I don't support any particular effort just to "feel good" or out of guilt.

Your characterization of "all or nothing" may apply to a few but as a generalization it's simply a red herring. I could make the same type of characterization of AGW believers following along just to have "feel good", save the planet types of feelings and to assuage any guilt about (allegedly) ruining the environment.

Everyone want to pretend like natural resources wont ever end, but so does the child taking cookies from the jar thinking they will last forever.

Global Warming is going to happen no matter what. Its also happening on Mars. It has to do with the Sun and its electro magnetic radiation being emitted and interacting with the planets poles. All of the governments agendas for global warming is just a niche for power and money- they don't care about the environment unless they gain in power and money.

The bigger issues is how much the world needs oil and gas to survive. This stuff wont last forever (or become so expensive to extract) and once it runs out there will be global wars and unrest the world has never seen.

global warming is a tough issue...on one hand you have "save the earth" on the other " turn off all the lights" could you really survive in a world with no electricity? no truck to bring grocery's to the market? so prices skyrocket, or alternatively, start your own farm, and quit your job to tend to the crops and farm animals, i personally have zero agricultural experience lol, but we as humans are killing the planet and ( in turn ) ourselves. the only hope is green energy or chlorofluorocarbon management. REAL chlorofluorocarbon management... not like what we have today. but big oil will prob put a hit out on anyone who would come up with such an idea ( it would loose them millions)....*sigh*... a sad but true existence we all share

i recently produced coursework on this issue for my a level english

my personal take on this issue is that inevitably the earth is going to become inhabitable - or the majority of it will be, which will lead to mass emigration to the moderate climates, and huge overcrowding. certain people only care about expanding their businesses and reducing costs, but they need to accept that the future of our planet is going to be a horrific one if people don't change the way we use its resources...

I'm so sick of the alarmists holier than thou attitude. You're the ones who are basically burning billions of dollars subsidizing useless wind farms which, even if CAGW was real, would reduce global temps by an amount so small you couldn't even measure it.

...That people who care about the world believe in climate change, and people who care about money don't?

Just saying, it's a pretty clear trend. It seems the only reason people deny AGW is because they feel they are losing money in some scam, and not because they actually care about anything else.