> What cause Global Warming?

What cause Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What cause Global Warming?

Yes CO2 is one factor, but far from the whole picture. There are other factors that also have, and do contribute to the earth's warming. Methane gas being one of the greenhouse gases. Which was dismissed on the grounds that the amounts of it released into atmosphere, by the oceanic bodies, and that from land masses, was far greater, than what was believed. One can only look at the whole sum picture of the earth's history, or only look as far as the data that there are written records for and dismiss any and all geological data that has been unearthed, in fossilized records, and except that as fact. Then one can go into that data that's been dismissed, and see what the geological paleontology records shows, that has been found, and account for that and why the planet is slowly growing warmer.

For the proponents of man made global warming that data is discounted, as invalid data. They throw it out as it doesn't fit their perfected models as to the cause. They have what they want to find, unless some other data shows it's wrong, but still allows them to promote man made global warming, rather than what is the actual natural state. Those who deny global warming, use only those data points, which promotes their side of the argument. Those are the two largest and most vocal groups. There is a third group, albeit it a smaller one, that's made up of paleontologists, who take a look at the overall history of the earth, and what the geological data, along with fossilized records says.

I won't deny man has played a role in global warming, but I am very dubious as to the exact level, accredited to the overall percentage, that's been attributed to man. I've seen numbers ranging from less than ten percent, to as high as eighty five percent man made. However I question the percentage, especially those numbers that are extremely high. Usually the higher the percentage given, I have found the more extremist, and militant they are. Those at the lower end of the percentage while concerned, are more likely to be open to more data, and going back more than just what is recorded, as well as taking into account natural causes and the natural state.

CO2 is the main reason of causing Global Warming. CO2 is the harmful gasses that comes out from factories and industries.

what causes global warming?

a build up of greenhouse gases trapping heat from escaping the atmosphere

what causes the greenhouse gases?

there are natural greenhouse gases, but humans are substantially contributing to the greenhouse gas build up

for example we take carbon from the ground (plants from long ago formed what is now fuel) and combust it, putting it in the atmosphere...a lot of it is incomplete combustion, which results in products which are also harmful

ultimately, to answer the question "what is causing global warming?" we must ask ourselves if the earth's mean surface temperature would be rising significantly if humans were not contributing to the greenhouse gas build up

I think the answer to the question ultimately is that humans are fuelling global warming, because otherwise it would not be happening to a significant extent.

If you argue that the warming is "natural", I just don't know what you would say is triggering this natural change...

CO2 is the main reason of causing Global Warming. CO2 is the harmful gasses that comes out from factories and industries.

CO2 is the main reason of causing Global Warming. CO2 is the harmful gasses that comes out from factories and industries.

Interesting statement by Sagebrush.

A true statement, but not for the reasons Sagebrush would have you believe. Powerful and wealthy people are standing in the way of solutions to global warming, such as solar and nuclear power, because oil and coal are so much more profitable.

And it doesn't make a lot of sense that people who supposedly are concerned about AGW are doing such things. But, someone is making money from nuclear and hydro not being developed and dismantled. I think anti-nuclear and anti-hydro people are funded by the coal lobby. And the anti-Keystone movement is either funded by OPEC or by the railroads, the alternatives to Keystone XL.

CO2 is the main reason of causing Global Warming. CO2 is the harmful gasses that comes out from factories and industries.

A greed for riches and power. It is concocted to scare you into giving up your money and liberties so that Al gore can get richer, Soros can gain power and a host of others do the same. It is a swindle, make no mistake about it.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

CR: You have to have gone completely bonkers. Your statement, "Powerful and wealthy people are standing in the way of solutions to global warming, such as solar and nuclear power," NUCLEAR POWER!? NUCLEAR POWER? My goodness I saw environmental protesters blocking, tearing up, causing injunctions, making daily construction changes and doing everything possible to stop the reactor at San Luis Obispo, California. Do you ever think about what you are saying? Right now the environmentalists are attempting to remove hydroelectric dams. And why?

Quote by Paul Ehrlich, professor, Stanford University: “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”

Cheap abundant energy is against the environmental movement's agenda. Cheap abundant energy would be a boon to mankind. You just proved how sick you are and also my point. You are with the greed crowd.

Simply CO2 causes Global warming.It is more harmful gas than others,.which is produced from industries,factories,vehicles,etc.

Human activities

Resource inefficiency and pollution, caused by various institutions of society that promote negative human attributes like religion, the capitalist economy, traditional schooling, and government.

Too many trees have been cut down by humans over the past 400 years. 95% of CA redwoods have been cut down. Reap the Devils hot air breath crackpot, leaderless, conservatives.

Human activities

Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere―which acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet. As we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy or cut down and burn forests to create pastures and plantations, carbon accumulates and overloads our atmosphere.

Human activities

CO2 is the main reason of causing Global Warming. CO2 is the harmful gasses that comes out from factories and industries.

Human activities

when polar bears smoke and put out the cig on the iceberg it warms it up and melts it

when polar bears smoke and put out the cig on the iceberg it warms it up and melts it

Ugh. Me ask same question. Think too much publicity about weather. Cannot worry about fraction of degree. Must feed family.

when polar bears smoke and put out the cig on the iceberg it warms it up and melts it

when polar bears smoke and put out the cig on the iceberg it warms it up and melts it

when polar bears smoke and put out the cig on the iceberg it warms it up and melts it

Disaffect of atmosphere towards sun,light and water.

CO2 gas


Wikipedia probably has the most complete description in one place.

Cows and thats a fact!

our greed and selfishness. We want every comfort in life regardless of how it affects our environment.

ignorance of the men