> Have they completely lost their minds?

Have they completely lost their minds?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hey man, I think Tardigrade look cute, don't you think? At least it got some extra pair of "paws" should I say? 6 paws, or is there more, 8?

You right AGW cult is sucks. These guys are insane.

Years back they would be cooped up for safety for themselves and the human race. Since Carter opened up the asylums they have come out and run for offices and got elected or got doctorates in Climate Science.

You are right, it is insanity. But look at who defends them on this site. They are co-insanity partners.

There is a saying: "If all you have is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail."

The only tool the warmists have is CO2, a greenhouse gas. Interaction with infrared radiation makes it warmer. CO2 is the hammer. Every problem is now caused by CO2 because that is the only tool they have.

If it gets warmer it all fits. If it gets cooler? Well it has to fit somehow. Obviously, that is counter-intuitive so the infidels cannot understand it but the faithful few still believe.

They do know there is a problem though. Just look at the way they keep finding new excuses. Even that list is too short. There is no Pine Scent mentioned.

The article seems... kind of wacky to me, but definitely not a sign of true insanity. It's an interesting what-if, but not much more than that.

Yes ever since the 1960s and got worse .

The AGW Cultist want to shove this Wealth redistribution scheme down everybodys throats .

Yes, there minds are closed by the religion of science. Science was once fun but now if you don't believe everything is and all is science your condemned. Science was simply knowledge now everyone worships it like a new Bible. Even Bill Nye has taken the children off his naked lap to start preaching the new religious movement. Way to go Bill!!! Trying to score points and avoid jail from his brutal addiction to child pornography and pedophilia.

No need to really worry about them. They are a rather silly group. They are actually stupid enough to try a tax bill during a recession.

Sure they cause problems with actually getting stupid measures like ethanol through, but it would cost more taxpayer money to put them away.

Geologist Ben

When you try to pretend that China is having trouble because they are densely populated, you lose credibility. Our cities do not have that problem. Why? Because clean burning of fossil fuels produces only CO2 and H2O, neither of which cause smog. They do not have our pollution policies.

Further, while I am a "denier" scum of the earth, idiotic moron to the warmers here,..., NONE of the reputable warmers even attempt to argue that AGW will lead to an ice age. They may not came out and say it here, because heaven only knows they are not man enough to correct a fellow warmer, one needs only look at other questions where this is discussed to see that they don't buy what you are selling.

And forgive me, but I don't buy for a second that you spent years studying the climate yet are willing to claim that AGW will lead to an ice age.

It's difficult to simply state whether gullibility is a dominate trait or not.

It's a completely mindless article, something to fill blog space. Written by by Jordan Green, how embarrassing for Green.

This reminds me of Dr. Kari Norgaard, she wrote a paper criticizing non-believers, suggesting that doubters have a ‘sickness’ and need treatment. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...

Apparently the University of Oregon, where she is a professor of sociology and environmental studies, was not impressed. In true Soviet style, they rewrote history in an attempt to cover it up. But that's not the way the internet works. Whatever was once posted is always stored somewhere and then everybody gets to see the BEFORE and AFTER... which leads to even more embarrassment --- if GREENS can be embarrassed.

You can see the history re-write by the University of Oregon here: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/04/02/re...


Global warming cult? The dust bowl, created by humans, had dust 200 miles off of DC on ships. It is not insane to know that we affect the climate. Get a life.

I'm talking about the insane left, the global warming cult, the climate change crusaders, the green cult, the anti-everything crowd, you know, they are on here in droves. now they think we should be like the Tardigrade. I love how 200,000 people freezing to death is because of global warming. Should we open back up all the insane asylums?


Before making such bold statements you should check your sources.

I'm a geologist and have been studying about earth for years. From chemistry to climatology and oceanography everything links together. People pour out their lives getting doctorates in these fields of science, not only combining national research but worldwide research on the issue of climate change.

Just so you can now be informed, it is accepted by every member of the scientific community that extensive human activity is directly linked with the change of ones' environment. You really don't need to try too hard to find examples of this, just look at the terrible smog problem in China that is currently taking place. We see a direct example of a living space being too densely populated (a true concrete jungle) and as a result the air has become toxic. People are literally dying as a result of the heavily polluted air, which without question is a direct result of the overpopulation and lack of living space.

Now, as far as historical geology goes...there have been several different ice-ages in earth's past, all caused by the natural cycle of a rise in carbon dioxide. The reason carbon dioxide increases the earths temperature is because it hinders the radioactive energy given off by the sun from fully reflecting back into space.

You see normally the suns rays enter the earths atmosphere, get absorbed by humans and plants in the forms of vitamin D and ATP synthase in plants created from glucose (photosynthesis). However, the majority of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun gets reflected off the surfaces of water and ice, this is known as albedo.

What carbon dioxide is doing is creating these extremely dense clouds in the atmosphere, which in turn limits the reflected sunlight and radiation to exit the atmosphere. So as a result it causes a natural heating in our atmosphere. The reason global warming causes ice ages is because once ocean and land-locked icecaps melt they throw off the oceans deep-water current system. These currents circulate the ocean and prevent stagnant water in polar regions from totally freezing. Eventually the oceans all melt and cause an ice age.

However, ice ages also end naturally, it just takes mother nature a while to reboot her system.

I apologize if this came off as arrogant or snobby, but this is a field of study I've poured years of research into, and the fact of the matter is that the science doesn't lie and this is a real phenomenon. What they taught in my environmental geology class was that the best way to help promote a more healthy environment is by spreading education and knowledge, so I hope that we can see eye to eye and you can understand that this is a serious problem. We don't want earth to turn out like venus...runaway greenhouse effect...planets crust melts lead........

Remember, self education will set you free.

Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012 ICE accumulating on EARTH ONCE AGAIN. Weather your receiving is the same kind of weather we had in the 1970's before Global Warming. Get used to it. All 4 season's have returned to normal naturally. Mike

I'm not anti-everything. Just anti-ignorance.

No, opening up the insane asylum for the few idiot deniers would be pointless, they may be lacking in education, intelligence and common sense but they are taxpaying citizens.

Cold in america. Extreme dry in australia and underwater in england. Yep, I think global warming got something to do withit.

You don't think that global warming means winters aren't cold, do you....?

I cant imagine what biological changes we would need to survive a 0.8C temperature climate change

Where exactly did 200,000 people freeze to death???????????????????????????????? Are you drunk?????

Here Extreme weather leaves 200,000 without power, 24 dead in U.S

Go back to your ward and take your meds



