> Why isn't the media telling us about the radiation levels in our air, rain, food?

Why isn't the media telling us about the radiation levels in our air, rain, food?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do they think they're protecting us by killing us slowly with ignorance?

Here are a couple of links to check out



Listen to this very carefully: The "news" that is fed to us is filtered and largely censored. We're given a version of what's really happening. We are not given the news as it really is. The majority believe in "The 6 o'clock news" as if it were the absolute truth. It isn't. It's corporate America trying to attract and keep customers; that is, viewers and readers of newspapers and news magazines. If you want the real news of what's actually happening in the world, look on the 'Net. The BS news services are here also, as i think you know, but if you look hard enough, you can find those sites that let you know what's really going on. The corporate news services just care about making money, not about reporting truth. Especially CNN and others like them...

What radiation levels? Food is monitored and there are a range of detection systems. The Chernobyl event was first detected when radiation crossed into Europe and systems are much more sensitive now.

You imply that "the media" is in a conspiracy of silence but advance no facts of your own.

You are free to buy a decent radiation monitor from commercial outlets and tell us what "they" are up to.

But you will not do that because it would expose your own conspiracy nonsense.

Are you talking about natural background radiation (which has always been there)

or the quite small increase in background radiation since atmospheric test in the 50's, unless you like taking field trips to the actual places these happened then the radiation increase is tiny, I find it funny people complain about this yet happily sit out in the Sun and claim they don't need sunscreen, that's radiation as well. Certain types of rock have natural radiation, granite like a number of rock types can contain traces of radium, uranium and thorium. If present these can decay into radon gas, not to much of a problem if you have a kitchen top in a well ventilated kitchen but a real health issue for cavers in large rock deposits that are not ventilated, radiation is far more serious if it gets inside you.

They are not telling you about it, because it is not a problem. There has always been background radiation. The amount of radiation in certain problem areas is monitored. The FDA is monitoring the radiation levels in food from Japan. We have radiation hit us all of the time.

Usage of wireless gadgets and electricity tower overhead increase the level of radiation in our surroundings too. It serves our purposes and so we ignore its impacts

there,s not enough radiation to be a factor. live downstream from a huge pile of coal. you,ll get higher rad counts, and mercury exposure, as well.

Watch out for radiation ridden bananas: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15288...

You seem to be dependent on media and Government. Do you think that they are "suppose" to provide "total protection" on any matter? That's not why they are "suppose to" be there IMO (in my opinion). They are there to help us "govern" ourselves. It's unfortunate to see people rely on media and Government publications for information when it comes to the truth on any matter.

Do they think they're protecting us by killing us slowly with ignorance?