> What's your climate slogan?

What's your climate slogan?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There has been "no significant warming trend in surface average temperature" in those 18 years, said Patrick Michaels, director of the Cato Institute's Center for the Study of Science.

Al Gore and other climate change alarmists will have to concede that their predictions of catastrophic global warming were off by a long shot, Michaels, who has a doctorate in ecological climatology, told CNS News.

"It has to be admitted eventually that too much warming was forecast too fast," he said. "This just has to happen. You can't go on and on and on.

"If the surface temperature resumed the warming rate that we observed from, say 1977 through 1998, we would still go close to a quarter of a century without significant net warming because there's such a long flat period built into the record now."

Michaels pointed to findings by the University of Illinois' Polar Ice Research Center that Antarctic ice "is at its highest extent measured by the current microwave satellite sounding system" since 1978.

"And if you take a close look at the Arctic data, it appears the decline [in polar ice] stopped around 2005/2006, which means we've almost had 10 years without any net loss in Arctic ice."

Michaels spent three decades as a research professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia and was a contributing editor to the United Nations' second Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.

Nothing political here, Its all about the science.


Since I belong to a rapidly disappearing minority (the 7% of world population that still has blue eyes) thats ALARMINGLY near extinction, my "climate related" sign would read.

Help save the genetic diversity of the human race!

Make love to a blue eyed guy.

Since they nominated Leonardo DiCaprio as an ambassador or something to that effect,

How about "Leonardo DiCaprio the modern Da Vinci"


"Leo, please freeze for me before all the ice melts"

(OK that is a stupid nod to the Titanic)

(My wife loves Leo which causes me to adopt the stance in your avatar but even she realizes how retarded it is for him to represent the UN)

How about

Redistribution doesn't end at the borders

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Sepp Holzer and Michael reanolds solved global warming 30 years ago"

"The point is moot"

See permies.com for a laundry list of people who have solved all economic political and environmental problems be you red blue hippy prepper or just want some answers.

How 'bout "Death to the Koch Bro$" or "Free Re-Education for Deniers!"

Leave it alone;

And the greenies will come home,

Wagging their tails behind them.

You can have my gas guzzling SUV when you pull it from my cold dead fingers.

Is it any one of these?

"Capitalism is killing us"

"Socialist Action"

"Peace-Equality-Jobs-Environment-Socialism...Communist Party USA"

"Revolution: Nothing Less"


"Fight for a Socialist Future"

"To save the planet, we must change the system"

If you're wondering the connection to climate, these are some of the signs and booths at People's Climate Rally this past weekend: http://pjmedia.com/zombie/2014/09/23/climate-movement-drops-mask-admits-communist-agenda/?singlepage=true

If you had been there, what would your sign have said?