> How do we get global carbon dioxide emissions to zero when we exhale Carbon Dioxide?

How do we get global carbon dioxide emissions to zero when we exhale Carbon Dioxide?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A better question is WHY would we want to reduce CO2 emissions --- CO2 does NOT drive climate like Warmists want you to believe. Global temperatures are declining and have been for more than 12 year with CO2 levels the highest in centuries (according to Warmists).

The Sun drives climate, not human activities or emissions.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

You get carbon dioxide emission back to zero by putting the Carbon back where it came from, biomass.

We are burning vegetation that took in that carbon 250-450 million years ago. We need to grow enough forests to replace that ancient vegetation we are burning.

The CO2 we exhale comes from the foods we eat and as long as we keep growing that food which is taking up the CO2 we exhale then the net contribution of CO2 from Human breathing is 0.

1.) I would like to see some evidence that Bill Gates really said this.

2.) Vaccinations are not going to reduce the population.

3.) CO2 we breathe out is part of the cycle of the earth, whereas the use of fossil fuels is returning CO2 to the atmosphere that had been buried millions of years before.

4.) Getting down to 0 emissions from fossil fuels is not a realistic goal for any time in the next 50-60 years.

The carbon dioxide we exhale is cancelled out by the carbon dioxide which is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis. The carbon dioxide which we are actually adding to the atmosphere, is from the combustion of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent, from the manufacture of concrete.


By the time we exhale carbon dioxide it’s gone full circle and is being returned to where it started from.

The CO2 in the air is photosynthesised by plants into cellulose, we eat those plants in the form of fruit, vegetables etc. Other plants are eaten by animals, which we then eat, again the carbon started in the atmosphere.

When we inhale, some of the oxygen is reacted with the carbon from the food we eat, this is exhaled as CO2 back into the atmosphere.

Will the likes of Bill Gates are referring to are our emissions from burning fossil fuels. This is new carbon dioxide that is produced as a result of the combustion reaction (all fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, when burned the molecules break down into hydrogen and carbon which reacts with oxygen on the air to produce H2O and CO2).

To put it into context, each year natural processes produce more than 200 billion tonnes of CO2, these same processes absorb slightly more and so there’s a small natural reduction in the amount of CO2 in the air. Humans emit 34.5 billion tonnes (2013 figure) but we don’t remove any of it. The other greenhouse gases that we emit are the equivalent of adding another 14 billion tonnes of CO2, and we don’t remove any of those either.

We only need to eliminate emissions from burning fossil fuel.

Emissions from people or animals or even burning firewood are part of the natural carbon cycle. We have thrown the carbon cycle out of balance by digging up coal, oil, and natural gas from deep under ground and adding it to the carbon cycle. And we keep digging up and burning more every year, throwing the carbon cycle farther and farther out of balance every year that we do that.

In the video [1] Bill gates explains that health care, including vaccinations, increases the chances of survival of newborns into adulthood and that therefore people will have fewer children.

Try watching it, it is quite interesting although Bill does assume his audience has some working knowledge about how the world works other then "goddidit"

If you typed this "question" on a Windows machine, you were already duped by Wild Bill Gates, so what the Helen, just let the Reptilians win!!

I have the wild and crazy notion that what William Jefferson Gates MIGHT have meant was NET human emissions of CO2 (not GROSS). The reason net emissions of zero would make sense, as a target, is that CO2 in air is CUMULATIVE.

I realize that NET, GROSS, and CUMULATIVE are advanced Reptilian World Order Concepts, but in our Repto-Hybrid-run world they work quite well (unlike Microsoft products).

It isn't likely we could get CO2 to zero given it was 280ppm before the industrial revolution and exhaling has been going on since the human race began and has nothing to do with it. We all need to reduce out carbon footprint and support and encourage alternative power

How come nobody is whining about getting the sulfer dioxide levels down to zero? All we have to do is quit passing gas!

He said zero emissions, he means from vehicles and power generation.

Does Bill Gates just want us to stop breathing and die or something? Bill Gates says in an interview that we have to get Carbon Dioxide emissions to zero, he is in insane. He also says that through vaccinations we can depopulate humanity by 10-15 percent. Go get your shots boys and girls!

That would kill all higher forms of life on earth.

Of course they are not critical thinkers so they would not understand that.

How would this kill all higher order forms of life? Well, once you get CO2 concentrations below a certain ppm value Photosynthesis shuts down. All Plant life dies and all forms of life in that food chain also dies.

This being said, said goal of zero emissions is not possible so we have nothing to fear.

stop cutting trees

stop cloud seeding

these two if they stopped, would make a huge change

Liberals love Eugenics and miss the purges of the USSR and China .