> Are climatologist taking into account H A A R P when saying that the jet stream is causing C.A.'s drought?

Are climatologist taking into account H A A R P when saying that the jet stream is causing C.A.'s drought?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why would you listen to anything a climatologist who believes in global warming has to say??

911 truthers. Global warming idiots. People who believe in the HAARP conspiracy. People who believe in the chemtrail conspiracy. People who think the moon landing was a hoax.

The ALL belong in the same pigeon hole.

California always had droughts as long as I been alive .

Trying to blame it on Man made climate change is futile

since there is no proof .

The jet stream has nothing to do with HAARP IMO

Grammar is taken into account in deciding whether questions are legit or bogus.

HAARP does not have enough energy to cause droughts.

Mike L --

>>California always had droughts as long as I been alive. Trying to blame it on Man made climate change is futile since there is no proof.

Humans have always gotten sick as long as anyone has been alive. Trying to blame it on germs is futile since there is no proof.

Why do you think they call it "germ theory?"

Climatologists are not weather forecasters. So they do not (or at least should not) claim to know the exact cause of any one event like the western US drought.

NOT TRUE and Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelites reports by letting us know that ice is accumulating on different parts of earth. Today's weather is like it was in the 1970's before Global Warming. Global Command.

Here is a blog that has specifics to about the drought


I know warmonism preaches that a small amount of change has big impacts which is why you might latch onto something so ridiculous but HAARP has zero effect on our climate.

They write that it's because of global warming, like HAARP is conspiratorial, when the US has pictures of it on the web.


HAARP has no influence on weather.

Only the ones with shiny tin foil hats