> Why is the global warming section on here unpopular?

Why is the global warming section on here unpopular?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There not many post here

There haven't been a lot of real breakthroughs recently and other issues have moved to the front of the line. Economics has been a huge problem that is distracting us from other matters, and tackling global warming is an expensive proposition. Even if we had the money, we disagree about what needs to be done about it. Regardless, some of the most important measures-most notably alternative energy-that the warmists wanted are already in progress and gaining momentum despite the best efforts of the status quo opposition. I'd say a lot of the mainstream public realizes that the transition isn't going to happen overnight, that it will take time to build the infrastructure and develop alternative energy...and a lot of the mainstream public understands that warming is neither linear nor abrupt.

So...inferring first that your question relates mainly to the relatively low number of questions, responses and participants in the category here and that is the meaning of 'unpopular' in this context, I think the general public is in an information lull with a lot of unanswered questions that climate science is gathering data on and researching and we have gone about as far as we can go economically without assuming too much economic risk to address something that remains so uncertain in terms of timing, impact and outcome.

If one were to delve into the deeper potential of your use of the term 'unpopular' as in 'disliked,' the possibilities for relatively low levels of participation grow more interesting. You can see that most o the answers so far delve into more personal and emotional reasons for this category being 'unpopular' in the context of dislike, distaste or disdain. I would go to this context myself as an underlying issue, although I think fewer people are seeking out information on global warming due to the first inference, I do not think this category is user friendly for most people. There is so much infighting and nastiness unrelated to the topic of global warming among the relatively few regular participants that I think it would have to be off-putting for most potential new participants. It doesn't take much reading to see that regardless of what you ask you are going to be attacked for it, usually either getting called an alarmist or denier, Marxist or scientific illiterate. Why would anyone subject themselves to that?

Second, the quality of most questions and answers themselves. So many of the questions are redundant or not really even related to the topic of climate change to begin with, often targeting other participants, Y/A policies and practices, or politically inspired, the little real information that is revealed here is often buried. It seems like about 40% of the content here is about how global warming is liberal claptrap etc etc from people who are very angry about political issues rather than rooted in knowledge about the topic, 30% is anger and frustration in return, 20% is who knows what but certainly not any more advanced than grade school playground blathering, and 10% actual, useful information and content. (Feel free to modify the percentages, total guess on my part.) A person really has to dig to get out the interesting stuff, and a lot of people don't have the time or patience to do that. Hence, a category that is wilting on the vine. So to speak.

Probably because there are few legitimate questions left on the topic. You'll get occasional bursts of questions as school children try to lazyweb their homework, and various people try to explain their point of view to each other, and occasionally a minor flurry as some new paper, temperature record, or the like, seems to suggest things in favor of either the "warmists" or the "skeptics". But I suspect many people are simply sick of what generally boils down to shouting matches between diametrically opposed sides.

The multitude of trolls who attack anyone who tries to raise actual science and flood the site with nonsense like the newest troll 'charles', but then I think that is rather their aim, to try and drive people away.

Chicago just set a new climate record. It's never been colder on July 27th in the cities history.

Normal day temp: 84

New Record Low: 65

This is one of my favorite sites. But I just looked and you are right.

Not so much now, I think people are getting bored with the subject, I mean this has been going on for thirty years now, and very little has changed in that time.

Hmm I remember the media saying that climate change is dangerous because it is happening so quickly and that plants and animals will not be able adapt in time.

there is no strong envidence to prove that our plant is getting warmer over the past several years.

also, at present, due to economic recession in many advanced countires, they give prioprity to stimulate the countires' economy rather than reducing carbon emission. since it may involve the cost that would decline the people's wellbeing.

Because you have many people on this site who have set out to deceive people. An honest person cannot call them liars, even though they lie and I have evidence to that fact. They bully honest people and get by with it. An honest person is a second class citizen on this site and that was officially told to me by Y!A itself.

The only reason I participate regularly on this site is to expose the corrupt denizens on this site who prey on the ignorance of others. I am sick and tired of watching the taxes go up and hard fought liberties routinely taken away because of these phoney scientists spewing their garbage.

Many newspapers, radio stations, TV stations have gone under because they supported liberal trash exclusively. Just like Pravda in Russia went under because they spewed only propaganda, this site and the mainstream news media march in lock step toward the same fate.

Most people don't want to hear propaganda, they want to hear the truth.

Arrogant over-explainers maybe?

There not many post here