> I have a Pollution Question? Help?

I have a Pollution Question? Help?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Nature has a way of balancing. This is something the greenies want to keep secret.

Just look at the cat fish. They are the garbagemen of rivers and streams.

Some men are just too stupid to see God's work.

Rats seem to thrive on the waste of human society. There are a number of differences between humans and other animals. No other species is able to do as extensive damage around the globe as humans can. No other animals create waste like plastics that will not biodegrade for thousands of years. No other species has the ability to know the extend of damage they are doing to the habitats of other animals like humans do. At least none that I can think of. I could be wrong. Also, I don't think all humans are bad. I think a lot of humans are just ignorant and not really much higher than other animals. And most people eventually do one good thing for the Earth, decompose and return to it.

I have never heard of any animal that "thrives" as a result of pollution.

Generally speaking pollution has no real redeeming value.

I do understand that damage to our ecosystem can result in long term damage to various species but have never heard any opinions speaking of a benefit to any species as a direct result of pollution.

I cant think of any creature that likes heavy metals or mercury in their water not to mention pesticides and plastic.

I actually have a question about pollution. I know "humans are bad" and we "do nothing good"...but I was just wondering...we're also from Earth right? So are other animals? So what I'm getting at is that, pollution is from Earth. What animals thrive from pollution? Beavers, crocodiles and prairie dogs have literally killed entire ecosystems for more years than we have been here. So what animals thrive from our pollution? If we stopped polluting the water, wouldn't that take out a food source for at least one type of animal?