> Global temperatures haven't risen in the last 17 years.?

Global temperatures haven't risen in the last 17 years.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How long will temperatures have to be flat lined before you no longer believe the earth is really warming? 20 years? 25 years? or longer?

They don't want it to end. It is a leftist political movement. 30, 40, 50 years they will never be happy. Why would they want to render their industry dead? in order to get their money, they have to tell the grantor what he wants to hear. Its the same as affirmative action. There will never be a day where somebody says, "We've had enough reverse racism now that we've evened the score, and we're going get rid of it.

The earth is a big thing. It's average temperature is going to change rather slowly. There are indeed measurements suggesting no change over the last 15 years or so. There are other measurements that suggest an increase over that time period.. So which do you believe and why and what does that tell you? For myself, if surface and ocean temperatures remain stable for 50 years, I would be inclined to dismiss arguments that the earth is becoming warmer - which of course is not to say that it will not change in the future.

Well, perhaps it hasn't for you but, in the past 30 years, the bushes around our cabin at 950 meters AMSL, here in Norway, have become small trees. During the winter, I could ski above the bushes in an open landscape. Now I have to go around the trees.

The Hardangerj?kulen glacier, that I can observe very well from my own light aircraft, has also shrunk during those past 30 years.

The two above examples are not a "religion" but something I have experience myself. Is it caused by our use of fossil fuel or simply a natural cycle? I don't know. All I know is that the average temperature at ground level, has increased in Norway during the past 30 years. How is it anywhere else in the troposphere, I don't know.

Global temperatures have risen, most of it in the oceans. when glaciers start refreezing, maybe global warming will be over.

get some real data, then maybe you can start another meme, like the data is made up

That claim is a lie. I'm not saying that you are lying, but that you believe a lie.



The assertion is incorrect.

How long will temperatures have to be flat lined before you no longer believe the earth is really warming? 20 years? 25 years? or longer?