> Links proving the FACT that carbon dioxide is a COOLANT, not a greenhouse gas?

Links proving the FACT that carbon dioxide is a COOLANT, not a greenhouse gas?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i would say that evidence showing co2 levels having an 800 lag behind temperatures endorses this theory, ie co2 rises after temp changes in order to cool the world . yup, it sure is a complicated planet and it seems only extraordinary intellects can claim to know it all, thank god for good old consensus.

"Below I have several links that have shown the FACTS that Carbon Dioxide is absolutely NOT a so called Greenhouse Gas...."

Oh yawn, are denier still trying to play this sad card, they is no doubt at all that Co2 is a greenhouse gas, it is a solid fact.

The druge report is playing with words (and not very well) and it not really that hard to see how they are referring to "the sun rays" i.e. light and the atmosphere (and clouds) reflecting that light. Co2 absorbs and re-radiates heat or IR the visible light that makes it to the surface is converted to IR energy and then interacts with Co2 (and other greenhouse gases) as it radiates back to space.

Of course if you go to the actual NASA source for this absurd blog claim, the science as always is not saying what the denier blogs are trying to spin, which is of course why this question didn't use the NASA link but the blog nonsense.


Further evidence that climate change deniers are crack-pots.

CO2's reaction to incoming sunlight in the thermosphere (50 miles up) has nothing to do with it's reaction to infrared in the troposphere. To deny the greenhouse effect is to deny that life exists on this planet. And to claim that Al Gore was alive in the 1860s is at least insane enough to be funny. Flat out loonie-tunes these people are.

The design of a perpetual motion machine would help, as for carbon dioxide causing cooling rather than warming would violate the laws of thermodynamics.

I'm thinking that you must be a troll. Anyone that simultaneously believes that Obama is "Barry Soetoro," that carbon dioxide cools the planet, and that links to a "chem trails" site is very far out in la-la land.

If you're not a troll, you need to get help, you're losing touch with reality.

Interesting how you link to *news reports* about the study, not the study itself.

As is typical with media reports about a scientific study, they appear to somewhat (to grossly) mischaracterize the study itself.

The study is talking about the thermosphere, one of the upper layers of our atmosphere. As I understand it, the thermosphere is, in essence, the reason we tend to treat energy coming in from the sun as though it was *all* visible and UV, rather than infrared. The greenhouse gasses in the thermosphere block incoming infrared radiation. The greenhouse gasses in the *troposphere* have little or no incoming radiation to block, so they mostly block *outgoing* radiation.

I'm a skeptic/denier, but your just plain wrong, CO2 does cause warming, but most of the warming was done long ago, further CO2 will make little difference.

WOW!!! Are you SURE you have a PhD. in common sense? I'm not sure that any school will admit giving you that degree, and you certainly haven't demonstrated you any. I'd say the balance of evidence suggest you never graduated the high school of common sense.

I'll one-up you with a Wattupwiththat article.


Here is proof that at one time scientists were blaming an impending ice age on CO2.

Life magazine of January 3, 1970, stated: “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support . . . predictions” such as: “In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution,” and “increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect earth’s temperature, leading to mass flooding or a new ice age.”

One only has to know that dry ice is made up of CO2. Yes, CO2 is indisputably a coolant.

Regarding your statement, "The question is, is this the final nail in the coffin for the global warming scam and for that matter, The 0bama Administration's radical environmentalist agenda and its War on Business?"

No. According to history, these greenies follow Goebbels' theory on an exact course. Once they are proven wrong they either jack up the rhetoric or change the subject. They have proven to be agenda oriented rather than science oriented. There will be no end to this discussion as long as these political crooks can deceive at least 15% of the masses.

When in the course of history has their agenda driven science made any sense? Never, but it suckered even a bunch of honest scientists.

Quote by Madhav L. Khandekar, UN scientist, a retired Environment Canada scientist: "Unfortunately, the IPCC climate change documents do not provide an objective assessment of the earth's temperature trends and associated climate change….As one of the invited expert reviewers for the 2007 IPCC documents, I have pointed out the flawed review process used by the IPCC scientists in one of my letters. I have also pointed out in my letter that an increasing number of scientists are now questioning the hypothesis of Greenhouse gas induced warming of the earth's surface and suggesting a stronger impact of solar variability and large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns on the observed temperature increase than previously believed."

Of course you never never hear of these scientists who use reason in their science. You only hear from bigmouth know nothings who spout useless garbage from failed scientists and con artists.

I have watched the news this past week where that criminal who calls himself President of the United States, Barry Soetoro, had the audacity to go in front of the US Congress and now push for new taxes on the American public in the form of "Carbon Legislation". This clown had the nerve to state that Carbon emissions had to be curbed so as to save the planet from the scourge of "Global Warming". Even though all evidence shows that the planet is not warming at all, and is in fact in a state of Global Cooling, this criminal will attempt to have the American people swallow the Global Warming kool-aid, and surrender even more of their earnings, in the form of "Carbon Taxes" to the scoundrels in Washington DC.

Below I have several links that have shown the FACTS that Carbon Dioxide is absolutely NOT a so called Greenhouse Gas.... Its very molecular makeup is all wrong for it to be a Greenhouse gas, and that makeup shows that rather than expel heat,, or be exothermic, it actually absorbs heat, making it endothermic, or in the simplest term...a COOLANT! Even I, a man of science, fell for the lies of Carbon Dioxide being a "Greenhouse Gas" for decades before realizing for the last few years that I had been suckered into a false belief much like everyone else.


To again back up many of my claims, I want to present the following very important article from Bob Nichols, a columnist from Veterans Today, at www.veteranstoday.com, through the "GeoEngineering Exposed" website, at www.chemtrailsplanet.net, entitled: "NASA Discovers Carbon Dioxide Is A ``Coolant``- Destroys Globalists Warming Myth" that again tears into the Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas fraud and even takes serious aim at the chief fraud artist, Al Gore, himself...

The question is, is this the final nail in the coffin for the global warming scam and for that matter, The 0bama Administration's radical environmentalist agenda and its War on Business?



c/c Dr Lewandowsky

Can't prove a falsity. Are you really that stupid?