> Why do some people believe that global warming isn't real?

Why do some people believe that global warming isn't real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I need some people who don't believe global warming is real, to explain why they think that. Because I need to know for a report I'm writing. Please help?

First of all the temperature is declining and has been for over a decade. At the same time the CO2 level has gone up. So that blows that theory of CO2 causing the temperature to rise.


Then the real temperature rise is somewhere around 0.87 degrees in 353 years


If you think that is catastrophic you certainly are either a sissy or gullible.

Here is what a real scientist has to say:

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

No one has proven it is real.

There is conservative media.

There is also money involved. If the economy where you live is dependent on coal or oil, are you really going to get the US to stop using them? If you run a small cafe, and your patrons are coal miners, do you really want them to be out of a job.

Today, renewable energy, in large quantities, is far more expensive than digging up coal and burning it. Or drilling for gas and oil. If you are more concerned about the price of electricity, or gasoline, than you are about the world you'll leave behind for your children and grandchildren, then why stop burning coal and oil?

In a nutshell, those are the 2 main reasons. Ignorance and greed.

1. Confirmation bias, and similar brain tricks. Our minds tend to reject "unfriendly" information, however valid; http://m.motherjones.com/politics/2011/0... discusses the matter at length.

2. Lack of scientific understanding. Climate science is kind of complex, and some aspects of it aren't very intuitive ("How can it be snowing, if there's global warming?" and so on). Some people disbelieve what they don't understand. (there's something of the same problem with evolution)

3. Flat-out lying, or at least trusting a lying source. I suspect at least some people who deny global warming are skewing (or even blatantly faking) information because reality does not match their political biases, and/or because they are trying to protect some income source or the like that could be threatened by action to stop AGW.

Global warming is very simple, a doubling of CO2 by around the year 2050 will cause 3.7watts per sq meter warming which equates to 1 degree C, that is the science the rest of the B.S. about positive feedbacks is just nonsense, there are negative feedbacks (evaporation, convection, condensation, clouds) in play.

I would not say the there is no global warming or that man is not causing some of the warming. The global temps have been increasing since the Little Ice age. Using that pattern, it is clear that man is only responsilble for about 0.5 degrees of the 0.8 degree increase over the last 100 years.

What I question are the models and the scare-mongering. I want you to think of what you have heard about global warming and how scary their statements have been. What have you been told? Is it frightening?

Do you hear how climate change is causing massive weather events that are killing people?


Here is a quote of interest:

"Moreover, if the frequency, intensity and duration of extreme weather events has increased in recent decades– all empirical issues best left to climatologists – there is no signal of that in the data on either mortality rates or (more importantly) mortality, despite an increase in populations at risk."

What about the amount of change you have heard in the temps? Where you given the impression of a large change? Are you surprised to find it has only been 0.8 degrees over the past 100 years?

So we have seen a small change in temps with no noticable increase in extreme weather events and more importnatly decrease in the rate of death from extreme weather events.

So what about the future? Are you under the impression that the future is going to be extremely bad? Are you under the impression that they have a ton of data supporting these predictions?

Lets talk about one of their sources for data. Tree ring data. They look at the past temperature by looking at the thickness of tree rings. They assume that thicker tree rings, mean a warmer temperature. So they are asuming that plants do better with warmer weather. Is that the impression you have been given? The warmer future will be great for plants and help feed the world??? This begs the question of why they are trying to scare you. Why is there are notable attempt to frighten you with things that are not true?

Their models assume exponential growth, meaning that the further out in time you go the faster the temps increase. Now lets think about this logically. The weather reports are accurate for about 10-days and the further you go out, the less accurate they are.

Now lets assume their models are accurate out until 2050. If so, then we are talking about 0.5 degree increase. Not scary at all. In fact, generally moderate increases in the global temperatures are great for plants and animals.

What is scary is their projection out to 2100 which are 3-5 degrees. So we are clear, over the next 36 years they only predict 0.5 degrees of warming, then over the next 50 years they predict 2.5 to 4.5 degrees. See a problem? The scary part of their prediction are ALL at time points when they cannot possibily keep any accuracy in a model. They can model out the chaotic climate of earth for 86 years, but can't get my weather forecast right mroe than 5 days??? Are you kidding me???

Thsi is not to say that we shoudl nto reduce our CO2 emissions. But we need to take out the fear and use intelligent methods. Let me give you an example. Recently greenpeace and otehr groups have been trying to stop some african countries from having coal power plants. Thing is that the african nations cannot afford the alternative power sources. Furhter, Africans are dying because of unclean water and lack of power.

If we are fearful of global warming than those deaths become justifiable. If we are actually well-informed, however, our decision will be better moderated and attempt to limit human suffering.

In the end, decide for yourself. I have a PhD in stats and a wife and child. Unlike some warmers would have you believe, I am not ignorant, stupid or hateful. I just have a different perspective. They are not ignorant, stupid or hateful either, they have a different perspective.

Consider this as well. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being spent to combat global warming. How many lives could you save with $100,000,000,000? How many lives has this spending saved? Unlike what Linlyons thinks, it is not about greed. It is about using our money wisely to help humanity.

Global Warming WAS very real. Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our satelite reports 11/28/ 2012. Global warming lasted 37 years so it might take a long time for our planet to return to normal naturally. Global command.

they listen to conservative talk shows and have no idea what Science really is.

The Latest ‘Cosmos’ Explains How Corporations Fund Science Denial


There is no man made global warming. Average temperatures have moderated over the past 15 years. So there has been no naturally occurring extra global warming. We have natural global warming every day...from the sun.

There is not enough empirical data to draw any conclusions. Scientists should be measuring temperatures all over the globe, and they should be taking hourly readings. When it is minus 100 degrees F in Antarctica, it can be plus 130 degrees F in the Sahara desert. Comparing the two is meaningless.

Global warming is real. It has occurred naturally cyclically with global cooling for billions of years. The current global warming trend started after the end of the little ice age in the mid 19th century to now. Human caused global warming is a fraud though. It's only purpose is to defraud the public into adopting a utopian socialist new world order under the UN.

First let's establish that one of the first things I learned while obtaining my geology degree that climates vary a lot. So what does global warming mean? Any warming or is it just the warming the humans have caused? What the eco-fascist want you to believe is that any warming is the fault of humans and that is why they invented asinine terms like global warming and climate change. That of course is moronic, yet that is what they preach. Since the atmosphere hasn't warmed much if at all in the last 18 years, they have had to modify their hysteria and admit that at least some natural variation occurs. If you paid attention, you would have noticed that all past temperatures are adjusted to exaggerate the present. Mann, who created the hockey stick, was caught using bogus statistical techniques and outright lies, yet he is still a leader and most of the alarmists who post here won't even admit he lied because the cause is more important than science. Their cause is a political movement. Their agenda is anti-capitalist anti-energy (except crap that doesn't work).

You will find that most geologists who largely study the earth's past agree with me however you will also find that most organizations tend to post statements that are not representative of what its member believe on this issue or they put in weasel words.

I need some people who don't believe global warming is real, to explain why they think that. Because I need to know for a report I'm writing. Please help?