> Is the real point of cap and trade for income redistribution, raising taxes and vote buying?

Is the real point of cap and trade for income redistribution, raising taxes and vote buying?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Is the real point of cap and trade for income redistribution, raising taxes and vote buying?"


Three questions here.

Income redistribution: No, though it will create a big new market for brokerages who specialize in carbon trading - that's really more of a take from the middle class (who pay energy bills) and give to the upper class.

Raising taxes: Sort-of, the government will not get any new revenue unless there's a 'penalty' component to energy users who exceed the cap - which in most cap and trade proposals, there is.

Vote buying: Yes, from the brokers. Of course the real value is the campaign money affluent brokerages are able to contribute.

The point is to reduce the creation of CO2 gas. Nobody is going to vote for anyone based only on this issue, nobody is going to get a check in the mail and nobodies taxes are going to go up or down. The various industries who do the most polluting of course are against this, particularly the coal and power industries. These guys spend billions of dollars over the years to elect 'their guys' to avoid what needs to be done....namely reduce CO2 gas emissions. More money is spent to fib to the public about dumb @ss things like income redistribution, taxes and vote buying. The irony is that these weasels actually do buy votes to protect their cash cows. Welfare spending? How is that tied into the production of CO2?

No. It's for the same reason we fine companies who spill oil or prosecute people for fly-tipping. There is a cost in the clean up ... cap and trade is a way of financing that.

It is to destroy what NAFTA has not done already. Thank Hillary Clinton , Wal-Mart Bord member and pushed heavy for the bill.You no longer see Made in the U.S.A. . A tax we pay ,or the government steels from us. Yes it is yet more tax , a hidden tax , but still a tax.

No, but it does show the paranoia of deniers.

The point of cap and trade is to provide a market-based path to reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

This is the closest thing to a "popular tax" that the politicians have ever discovered.

Every government's wet dream.

So, Yes, it is a tax.

They even admit it.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

How much clearer can you get?

Of course, while all that money is exchanging hands, how much of it is funneled to Al Gore, Maurice strong and George Soros?




Democrats raid carbon-emissions auction revenue to finance more welfare spending



No. The point is getting the most done for the least expenditure.