> Is anyone tired of this heatwave? UK only?

Is anyone tired of this heatwave? UK only?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Is anyone tired of this heatwave? UK only?"

Actually I am tired of hearing about the "royal birth" How can anyone care about your "royals", a bunch of nobodies worshipped for nothing they have done.

Loser country!

Sadly yes. I'm in the SW and its just started to cool down, I was starting to get a little sick of laying in bed boiling to death!nni know we moan about the weather non stop, but it has been too hot!

I'm the same i have been sweating lots, i am totally fed up with it, at the moment i would like some wind and rain to cool the air

We in the uk are a big group of grumpy pumpys when it comes to the weather, we moan when it's too cold, too wet, too windy, too slippy or too warm. What ever mother nature flings at us we should just shut up and put up with it.

I love this heat wave ! Haven't had rain in ages , I haven't been sleeping well because its so stuffy , but I haven't been sweating , no idea why :) but I hope we have it for longer! Apparently it's coming to an end though:(

Yeah I'm sick of it!

But it's cooling down now :)

Can't wait until winter!

i shower before bed and when i wake up im drenched in sweat and smell like like that salty sweaty smell like i haven't showered in 2 days, so i shower again and if your a woman and a hairdryer is involved that makes it worse, and leave the house, less then an hour later,yep you guessed it, sweaty again.

cant even walk to the corner shop without breaking into a sweat.

sorry, felt like going on a rant about this

who else is sick of it?