> Does Nature want to wipe off humans from earth with Global Warming?

Does Nature want to wipe off humans from earth with Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Seeing how humans take over, invade, kill everything, polute, contaminate everything and just leave waste behind....

Is Nature trying to get rid of us humans with Global Warming?

Global warming is a consequence of the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, it’s something this planet has always had ever since an atmosphere began to form some 4? billion years ago. Without it Earth would have no way of retaining heat, it would cool to such an extent that it would freeze solid.

The greenhouse effect and global warming is therefore an entirely natural process.

If something comes along that upsets the balance, such as humans emitting large amounts of greenhouse gas, then the natural process doesn’t change but it does become more effective.

Nature is reacting to the increase in greenhouse gases in the way that the laws of nature and science dictate that it must.

I don’t know that you could say that nature wants to wipe us out, more that it’s responding to our actions by enhancing the greenhouse effect.

Theoretically we can use nature to act as a thermostat to warm or cool the planet, all we need to do is to vary the amount of warming or cooling gases that we put in the atmosphere.

If the worst-case scenario did come to fruition, then in a couple of hundred years Earth would look quite different. The Equatorial regions would be too hot for human habitation and we’d see mass migration toward the Polar regions where things would have warmed up enough to support large human populations.

1. Nature, if you want to think of it in very oversimplified terms as a single entity, could not care less one way or the other what happens to us humans.

2. I am aware of no scientific evidence that even indicates massive deaths, let alone complete extinction, for humans, even in the worst case global warming scenarios. America being reduced in 200 years or so to the something like the living standard of Bangladesh today (to take what is probably a quite extreme downside scenario) would rival if not outshadow the fall of the Roman empire, but it would be a long long way from total extinction.

3. Nevertheless, the old saying "Don't fool with Mother Nature" applies, and heavily. We have done much worse than fool, with have played God with Nature, mostly unwittingly for the 19th and most of the 20th centuries, but quite inexcusably since the 1990s. There is going to be a big price to pay for this near-insane myopia. There is no way to really know how high that price will be, until the real big bills start arriving in 50 or 100 years, but every indication is that that price is going to be a LARGE MULTIPLE of what it would have cost us to start taking sensible but concerted action once the problem was realized (by the late 1980s). America, to take just one small example, has a public transportation system that Bolivia would be ashamed of, and this has been a colossal waste of energy, and an utterly needless subsidy to carbon emissions. We are a hardy species, and can survive even having squandered much of our natural inheritance and shot ourselves in both feet. Humans will in all likelihood be around for a long long time: to remember the turn of the 21st century as a probably unbeatable candidate for Stupidest Generation of all time.

If Nature wanted to wipe people out a Super volcano Yellowstone could do the job nicely

Never happened before when the world was much warmer. In fact nature allowed the vikings to farm corn and grain on greenland because the world was much warmer. Can't do that now.

No, since we're hominids hardwired for social hierarchy it tends to take precedence over other things we're supposed to be paying attention to. "Nature" , or the environment we find ourselves in will react to our actions, but there's no need to go anthropomorphizing the planet when describing cause & effect.

I wasn't aware of her vindictive streak, but it's surely a possibility!!

Saying that nature is trying to kill us with global warming is like saying that the nazis where trying to kill Americans with Alien laser death rays. Nether exist.

Humans are natural. Nature has no mind.

So no.


Seeing how humans take over, invade, kill everything, polute, contaminate everything and just leave waste behind....

Is Nature trying to get rid of us humans with Global Warming?