> Global warming? or Climate change?

Global warming? or Climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Radiant floor heat is real nice and who doesn't like a trip to the islands?

No such beast as Global warming that was Al Gore trying to get some glory. He is to be pitied.

Really it should have always been climate change but then does that sound as catchy? Global warming as opposed to climate change probably got more attention due to it sounding that bit more exciting...

the majority of the earth heats up and gets wetter although not for all areas, some areas affected by drought get drier some will get wetter some may seem colder but overall in the longer term the majority of the earth will heat and get wetter, which isn't a good thing if you look at the increase in extreme weather that brings.

Different opinions and perceptions of climate change, different phrases, media, science and politics have all contributed to making it unclear ground and hard for a lot of people to form a full opinion on something that can ultimately affect our race and day to day living as well as the planet as a whole...

Both terms are correct when used in context. Global warming causes climate change, climate change does not cause global warming. GW is the cause and CC is the effect.

The two terms can often be used interchangeably and when the subject first became popular the media tended to use the term global warming, even though the term climate change had been around for a long time.

The world’s leading body on global warming and climate change is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was named in the 1980’s, long before most people had even heard of GW or CC.

As people became more aware of the issues they tended to use the correct term, the media soon picked up on the difference and started to use CC when it was to correct term to use.

Any claims that the name was changed from global warming to climate change is clearly nonsense by people who don’t know science or history.

Very leaky on in the science of global warning there were predictions for extreme weather but many were confused by this so the transition was made to climate change so the the lay person, including deniers night understand it better. Lay people are catching on but the deniers are still stuck in the dark

It use to be called 'Global Warming' by the Climate Cultists --- until it stopped warming --- now they want you to call it 'Climate Change.'

Hey, I'm a skeptic but even I believe in climate change. When has the climate NOT changed?

Oh, they would also like you to believe that warming causes cooling.

How many hundreds of billions of dollars have we wasted on this scam already?


Radiant floor heat is real nice and who doesn't like a trip to the islands?