> If disappearing species is a sign of Climate Change, then is the discovery of new species a sign that CC is not true?

If disappearing species is a sign of Climate Change, then is the discovery of new species a sign that CC is not true?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

It is pretty funny. There are plenty of species out there that haven't been found. In the 1990s, they found two new species of forest antelopes


in a place in Vietnam called the Lost World.

The saola was also discovered there. This is a bovine (cow like) animal so it isn't like finding a new insect.


The locals knew of them but science didn't.

A new species of tapir was found in the Amazon


I think what it really demonstrates is that there is still a lot to learn in this world. Those who think we know everything are pretty deluded.

As I learned in a symbolic logic course years ago, you can prove anything if you start with a false premise. Your unspoken false premise is that disappearing species is a sign of Climate Change and NOT A SIGN OF ANYTHING ELSE. In fact disappearing species is a sign mostly of habitat destruction caused by the growing human population taking over that habitat.

I thought you didn't believe in evolution, and certainly not that driving SUVs and having accidents in our pants every time that toilets back up at nuclear power plants is helping it along.

Other than in the vicinity of Chernobyl or as a result of breeding of domesticated plants and animals, any new species has nothing to do with us. And the new species that are being discovered have almost certainly been around and yet undiscovered all along. Kind of like the newly discovered oil that Madd Maxx loves to talk about.

I'd like to see the list of species and when they were discovered along with a list when they were "born" and died. If all species were already here to start with, then Sarah and Grungy with their belief that "all species have always been here", would have something to stand on. It's obvious that their evolution theory falls apart when they assume that cross-breading species simply happen. Trees can't breed with monkeys and create "monktrees".

Species can only breed within their own species. It's an undeniable fact of science. The different variations of each species is the only thing they are finding.

There "is" a new species of humans though. They are a flightless avid called a "Do-Do Bird" and they exist as Global Warming Extremists!

I always ask, name 5 species that have died out because of climate change, I never get an answer.

However the first species supposed to have gone extinct by climate change, is the Aldabra banded snail in 2007, however it has recently been found to be alive and well.


What species have disappeared due to climate change?

they just discovered a new scorpion in a cave it has nothing to do with climate change.

and animals have aways been dying off and it has nothing to do with climate change

Sarah nails it with her answer.

Just because you found something doesn't mean it suddenly came into existence. It just means that you just saw it for the first time.

But thanks for the link to the hilarious Breitbart article ('nail in the coffin", LMAO).

No, no, no. Disappearing species is absolute proof of man made climate change. The discovery of new species is also absolute proof of man made climate change. Just like more rain is absolute proof of man made climate change. Just as less rain is absolute proof of man made climate change. You see, whatever happens is absolute proof of man made climate change no matter what it is. It's called the new science. It's an unfalsifiable theory and apparently that's okay now.

No. That doesn't make any sense. Just because you find something that was already there doesn't negate the fact that other species you did know were there are dying out when they shouldn't be. (FYI, I'm not even going to read that ridiculous article.)


LMAO...You're kidding, right?

lol disappearance is not the opposite of discovery. so NO
