> Is "global warming" now a scientific discipline?

Is "global warming" now a scientific discipline?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Climate science is interdisciplinary. Like the science of species extinction, forest fires, space exploration or cancer. To understand such applications, you need to learn science, but degree programs are not focused on just one such application.

Didn't we learn about that in grade school. But back then it was global cooling. Now that AL Gore found a way to make money on hyping up this farce and causing fear amongst the masses. Seriously, do they expect me to believe that CO2 is a green house gas. CO2 is heavier than air hence making it sink into the Earth. If you don't believe me get some dry ice and watch the vapors never get airborne.

There is still running some research work with global warming. In the future it may be a good subject for study. For to protect the environment we need to learn this subject and apply in our life.

Listening to some of the pompous twits among the self-proclaimed 'Climate Scientists' occupying many of our universities and government agencies, one could reasonably get that impression.

Of course. If there wasn't a global warming "scientist", who would be your peer reviewer? A geologist?

Freak yeah

Yeah of course you can, but it is mainly disguised with the terms Earth science, or Enviromental science or some other nonsense

I think you need to be a creationist in order to go to that school.

"the consensus of global warming "scientists" predicted ..."

Gee, can I go out and get a degree in global warming?

What university offers such a degree?

OH, oh, Maybe the university of WUWT?