> What would YOU do to prevent global warming?

What would YOU do to prevent global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well agw isn't true , but, if it were, I would suggest reversing globalisation. No politician would ever suggest it because of the power of mega corporations but it is the root of a lot of evils. Countries should become self sufficient for goods and services. Yes strawberries are nice but do I really need them shipped from Australia when they're out of season here.

Because those in charge or blue bloods who also run other countries they started this money system which is not natural, so we have to prepare for that failer I'd like to spread the word there is another way and if we wake people up to the peaceful transition we can clean up their mess and create the future WE want one that is NOT a step backward as the ruling class says instead we use what we know now share that knowledge to better use and share the more abundant resources and still keep technology moving forward but without pollution while cleaning the pollution that already is. No leaders but each one of us working toward a common goal that truly is for the common good.

This is a long watch but well worth it...use your reasoning skills if you think its a good idea then please spread the word and if you can get ready and involved so that when this system fails we can start immediately to create the world they way we want. As this says they are looking for each of our ideas to incorporate and work out the details so we'll be ready when this system fails, its not a take over its a trransistion

I'd like to see a carbon tax, starting small and gradually increasing, as a market-driven way to decrease fossil fuel consumption.

I try, in my own life, to reduce my consumption of fossil fuels and other resources--things like I buy LED light bulbs when I can, I take the bus to work most of the time, and so on.

There is no chance we will prevent all global warming or harm from same, and very little chance we will prevent all future global warming or harm from same. But, there is *every* chance that we can both reduce future warming, and reduce the harm caused by it, if we adopt sensible policies with regards to energy use.

I believe global warming exists, although like somebody else already said, I am more worried about how we are poisoning the world around us with so called " modern techniques. Whole landscapes are poisoned by industrial waste or dug away to get to nature's resources. Mother Nature is resilient though, so think about that next time a flood or hurricane happens. Many of those are our own fault by damming in nature and logging forests to oblivion. So mother nature takes her revenge and in the end, she'll win, though she might kill us all in the act. As the last bit of polar ice melts, the seas will come to a halt. everything in it will die and start to rot, creating toxic gasses that will kill us. Now, we are only a few degrees away of the russian tundra's melting and once they go, an enormous amount of CO2 will be released. This is natural CO2 that has been building up since before the last ice age. Safe to say, we will be in a heap of trouble when that happens.

I think "Think global, Act local " still counts. If everybody reasons: My actions are not gonna change anything then things will just go from bad to worse. If everyone at least does a little bit, it will go a long way and as we are open to learn more, more will happen. We need to learn again how to with nature instead of against it. Through the centuries we have forgotten that we owe our lives to her, she feeds and takes care of us. And as gratitude we damn her in and poison her, in an effort to "harness" her.

We need to stop that, since by doing so we only harm and poison ourselves. No lack of proof there. So how do we do that? By making conscious choices. If a company is using poison to create their product and we buy their products, we are investing in that pollution, even if it is just a few dollars. We tell them "It's ok go ahead." Same thing goes for gen-tech, for the food-miles your food makes to get strawberries mid-winter, the cutting down of forests to make paper or palm oil, everything. It is about being as conscious as you can each time you buy something, however small.

For a start it is now recognized as global climate change since some places are getting hot, others cold, and the fact is it is to late to stop the effects of Global climate change. There is strong evidence supporting that it is happening now and sea levels are rising yearly, the real question is how can we minimize the effects? Whole Continents will be in drought such as Africa and many countries will go under the sea. The fact is the planet cannot support 7 billion of us sustainable so we will either kill our selves off with war due to increased demand of resources, or nature will cut our numbers down with lack of food, water and increase of disease such as HIV... These are known as population dependent factors: e.g. disease, food, since they depend on population size and population independent factors such as natural disasters such as earth quakes.

in the last five years (maybe longer) ive seen the effects here in my native Utah, we have the worst air in the nation, someone is always sick in my home and in many other residents homes, not only are we killing ourselves, the overwhelming impact on animal life and their habitats has become more than noticeable , i do my part to walk almost everywhere i go, not using your car is a great way to keep the air cleaner, another great idea is to use public transportation, turn off your heater when you dont need it, and i personally have switched to the famous E cigarette,these alternatives seem small, but if we all pitched in we could make a huge impact:)


First I believe it's warming, I don't believe it's unprecedented or something we are causing or can prevent. But, if I did believe as an individual I'd live my life based on need (essential to survival, switching to E-cigarettes excluded).

If I were dictator, I'd start at the local Walmart, that store is full of stuff we don't need, I could cut America's consumption by way more than half by making the list of illegal products from this one store alone. It would be hard at first but as a society we have been borrowing against the future of our planet for too long and it's time we paid for our ignorance on how we impact the earth. I know you are thinking, this guy is crazy, nobody is claiming we need to do something this drastic to prevent global warming, and I'm telling you nobody is being serious when it comes to the problems and causes of AGW as presented by the warmon community. It's really quite simple, our carbon footprint can be directly tied to consumption of resources. Just pick one product you use today that you don't need to survive, think about think about how you found out about the product, think about what it took to get the advertisement for the product out, think about where you bought the item, think about where they got the item, think about how the item got to the store, think about how the item got to the warehouse, think about how the item got assembled, think about how the parts to assemble the item got made, think about how the resources to make the parts got to the factory where they make the item, ... I could continue but hopefully you can see by eliminating items we don't need we could drastically reduce the resources we use and the destruction of our environment.

It sounds extreme for sure, but it makes a lot more sense than the idea that we can simply make people pay for the CO2 they emit.

Wall Street already has a plan. It is called FutureGen 2.0, the storage of coal fired exhaust gases from electric power generating stations deep underground.

The true purpose is to store enough deadly CO2 and CO gases so that an 'accidental' escape will kill millions of Americans. They are setting up plants in Meredosia Illinois, Polk County in north Central Florida and Big Sky Montana.

It will free wall street from paying back 401k and pension obligations and clear out much of the SS entitlement obligations so wall street firms can get government contracts. The land and property will be sold or leased to China.

No. 1. I don't believe in AGW, our Sun controls our climate and I am more concerned about global cooling.

No.2. At the moment I don't believe we have the ability to do much about it either way.

No. 3. I am concerned about Man's lack of care about the environment, fossil fuels will not last forever,

No 4. Not much use my talking to family or friends, most cannot think for themselves and stare at me blankly when I give my thought's.

No. 5. Humanity has always acted on self interest, with little thought of the future (look at our wars and poverty) and I can't see us changing soon.

I* don't think you can change the world,some of the worst offenders with pollution are the countries that haven't made it to the 21st century yet.That is only my opinion.For myself I recycle everything,use water sparingly,drive only when necessary its a lifestyle not a Greene thing,I have done this my entire life.Waste not is a mantra.The climate will change simply because it is the way of the earth.We can not prevent it but we can find ways to live reasonably with it eventually.

I'm actually very curious on what people would do about it. And when you hear about climate change what do you think of it? do you think of it in a negative way or positive?? also, do you think there is a chance that we can prevent the global warming? just curious. After you give your ideas on preventing the warming, maybe you should share this question and your answer to your friends or family and see how they respond. :))

It's a cycle... The world will heat up only to be cooled down for another ice age you can't do **** about it...

Take away all profits from this industry. The hoax will die on its own.