> How can global warming be reduced?

How can global warming be reduced?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The ONLY way that we can reduce global warming is by the reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. There is no alternative to this for us. The warming process can be slowed by reducing the short lived greenhouse gases in the atmosphere such as methane and nitrous oxide. Reducing the amount of black soot in the atmosphere will also slow the rate of warming. Until the amount of greenhouse gases are reduced in the atmosphere the climate will continue to warm. Once the level of greenhouse gases begin to fall then the warming will slow and then gradually subside. The climate will gradually cool over a period of centuries to millenniums.

Humans are the main cause of Global Warming Trend. Therefor we can reduce it as well. It's sad to say but most scientist agreed and explained how human affects the invironment.

When the heat gets trapped in the athmosphere which radiating the earth toward space that is called warming.

The gases blocks the heat that stays semi permanently in the athmosphere, as a result, Athmosphere will not be able to respond chemically or physically to changes in temperature are illustrated as ""Forcing"" climate change. Human Activities on earth has changed and increased the concentration of Green house gases. As a result,

*Most regions are encountering warmer temperatures. Though some would prefer it but others will not. Most specially countries that has long sunny whether. It will lead to more evaporation that also creates heat, And precipitation to most countries, and others dryer. For the time being, some plants, crops are favorable to increased CO2 that uses water efficiently. On the other hand, shifting climate patterns might change the areas for crops to grow best and affects the natural plants community. So why human is the main cause of climate change.

And what are the things we do that creates disaster to earth? Earthqueake, floods, climate change, exploisions are only few examples or we have done on earth.Vehicles that creates polution, heat, and dirt that destroys a and fresh & clean air.

Trashes, plastics around the worls that is also contributes disaster. Plastics are not soluble under the soil even up to 500 years.

Burn it, and you'll add more polution and will stay semi permanently in the athmosphere and is also harmful for everybody. So imagine people throwing their trash on the rivers. Lastly, the chemicals, toxins and some acids that kills the nature like Ocean, rivers, and so on. You can find a lot of articles explaining on how we can protect the earth. What are the things we should do the avoid destroying the earth and global warming.

If people would do the exact opposite, Global Warming can be reduced

There is many ways you can reduce global warming. Some of the things I can think of from the top of my head is

1) reduce the amount of transportation. We should make more trains, or buses so that people won't have to drive their car everywhere. Plus, it will save people money cause they won't have to buy cars and then spend more money on their cars because of repairing, customizing, etc.

2)We can make/invent more environmentally-friendly materials and products. There is some now, but people don't really buy them.

3)We can stop producing so much trash--stop buying bottled water, soda cans, harmful cleaning products, etc.--we can stop this by recycling & reducing what we buy.

4)People can stop throwing toxic waste into our oceans. Instead, find another way to deal with it.

i would say more but...

kano you are actually promoting AGW "there has been no significant warming for 17yrs" significant does not mean no warming

There has been no STATISTACLY SIGNIFICANT warming in 17 years. This means however the average warming over 17 years is 0.12 degrees C per year and that is still warming There has been no cooling You read too much Goddard and WUWT, both sources of cherry picked data and incomplete graphs

Well, there is the hope that if humans can stop doing what they're doing to muss it up, than the climate will revert to normal. Idealistic at best; it would only mitigate the trend. Still, something we should pursue because we'd rather mitigate than exasperate.

Anything more would be along the lines of geoengineering, or terraforming: massive solar shades launching into space, cloud seeding over large portions of the Pacific, massive ice making ships dumping ice into the arctic and antarctic oceans. These are risky propositions at best since the long term consequences are nearly impossible to know.

simple ways to reduce global warming are

-plant trees

-recycle paper

-use alternative fuels like solar , wind and hydro energy

-minimum use of fossil fuel

-spread awareness among people about the harmful effect of global warning and how to reduce it

-change your habit toward nature and be nice to all living organism

What warming? there has been no significant warming for 17yrs and the last ten years have been slightly cooler, forget about global warming it is just not happening

reduce the amount of transportation, smoking, throwing garbage on the floor. and increase the amount of recycling

You can't. How can you reduce something that doesn't exist? Besides, man does not have the power to alter the earth's temperature.

So, you think we can change the weather?

Why would you want it colder anyway?