> Did you ever think about what would have happened if it was the King who dropped the acorn on Chicken Little?

Did you ever think about what would have happened if it was the King who dropped the acorn on Chicken Little?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This may be too deep for some of you, so be careful.

I never thought of the King dropping the acorn. If the King dropped it, he probably did it to frighten chicken little. Perhaps he wanted to put a tax on chicken. In order to push his tax through he had devised a plan, in this case inventing the evil sky falling. The king then assured Chicken Little that he would cause the sea levels to lower if they just give him all their money and freedom. Oh wait, that was Obama.

The King invented a crisis so that his pal the Fox could eat the poor creatures of his kingdom.

Ask the alternative-honesty paranoid alarmists scared witless about mythical UN carbon taxes, the ones giving your highly literate and grammatically innovative "true science" "answers" BA 982 times.


This answer may be too deep for you, so be careful.


@ Sagebrush, I didn't think you would understand the real meaning. I told you to be careful. Your ignorance is showing again. I suggest you sound out the word, it is only two letters. It should be easy enough for some one with a mental age over 8 [1]

Why waste everyone's time with a ridiculous question that doesn't belong here Maybe there is a 10 year old's forum for this type of question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This may be too deep for some of you, so be careful.