> Is NASA fudging temperatures again?

Is NASA fudging temperatures again?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The sad truth is that the warmers here know very well that the data is being "corrected". They accept the corrections. Fine, I get that. Maybe the warmers think that the corrections are all perfectly justifiable. I know there are many warmers that think this is nto going on. But the fact is that I can show it is happening using NASA documents from NASA sites. So its not like you warmers can just pretend it is not happening.

So why do you attack the source??? You know very well that the source is correct. You may have a problem with their pretense that the correction are "fudges", but you know the corrections are happening.

Further, why do you insult? Do you really not understand YOUR BURDEN OF PROOF??? Questioning corrections that seem to only show more warming is hardly unjustified. You are asking for trillions of dollars to be spent to avoid CAGW. You want to sell this car and insult the people who kick the tires???

They are fudging temperatures almost constantly. They did another few hundredths of a degree early last year, with no press releases.

NASA is not fudging temperature data again.....they fudge it all the time. NASA only tells the truth when the truth helps the agenda, very rare. It is hard for me to find anything true NASA talks about. As I say NASA is simply the biggest distribution center for magic in the world. They are the Pope of the religion of science but instead of molesting children they molest scientific information. Same game different results.

Can we trust NASA? Here is what created it


I knew C would attack the messenger instead of addressing the issue. Fudging and deleting data is just SOP in climate "science". They do so with the complete and absolute blessing of all alarmists.

@Gary F..."No, it's just another Denier lie."

So are you saying the data wasn't adjusted? Or are you admitting the data was adjusted but just have a problem with the word "fudging"?

I'm still waiting for the first example where "adjustments" resulted in less warming in the temperature record. Really, just one. Where is ti?

Like Dr Spencer's satellite data?

Maybe you can collect your own data.

Are you beating your wife again?


No, it's just another Denier lie - soon to be followed by another lie...and another lie...and another...


Ian ---

Just fudging.
