> What one thing you can see today that's different than it was when you were young that was caused directly by so-cal

What one thing you can see today that's different than it was when you were young that was caused directly by so-cal

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
you can't possibly know that. it's been getting colder for the past 15 years, are you even aware of that?

There have been huge changes. The migration patterns of birds have changed during my lifetime.

The house martins that occupied the eaves of my home in 1960 don't fly back from Africa on the same day any more. Daddy house martin announces that he will be setting of on Wednesday, as usual, but mummy house martin says: No, we need to have a meeting with all the other house martins because I hear that the sea, a thousand miles from here, is now 0.000001°C warmer than it was last year. We should not set off before Saturday. Also, we should not go to the same house; we should go to the one on the other side of the street because it is farther north and the night time temperatures in the Arctic are now increasing.

The ignorant house martins that use the nests under the eaves of my house are stupid deniers who don't know any science.

$5000 it cost to shore up my house that is melting Permafrost.

Deer. The were only in the South until about 10 years ago.

The Yukon River breaks up on average 1 week earlier than 100 years ago.

Animals the natives don't even have names for.

Slides and slumping in the hills from melting Permafrost.

I could go on......

Funny! Dook fails to realize that glaciers have been receding for over 10,000 years.

What about our record August global average temperature? Hottest August since 1880 in some cases. Wait! 1880?

It seems that the billionaires who support the idea of mitigating "ACC/AGW" are ramping up their efforts to legitimize the environmental movement that is currently marching into D.C.. It will open up new venture capital opportunities for sure and it will help people "feel" better knowing that they are doing something about our environment.

The truth of the temperature lies with how it is presented. I would trust temperature readings from higher in the troposphere than what NOAA and NASA uses (ground-based readings). There are too many variables that affect actual temperature readings. Current ocean temperatures are on the rise, but they don't present the whole truth in measuring ocean temperatures that don't factor in how wind speeds have diminished within the past 10 or so years.

You're exactly right about the 0.08C rise in temperatures in the past 26 years. I don't expect "alarmists" to change their minds anytime soon though. They love the drama and sitting on their bums too much.

Actually........Nothing!! The whole catastrophic, Man-made, global warming thing is a diabolical hoax......Gore, Hansen and company know it!

As a Taxpayer, I am witnessing an increased waste of my money for fraudulent global warming research and criminally wasteful "green energy" subsidies.

Rocks and shrubs where glaciers used to be, dead trees where live ones used to be, closed buildings on the waterfront in New York that used to be open, open space areas without species that have since died out or migrated elsewhere, and on YA, a lot of so-called "questions" that are really just attempts to spread lame lies about science.

And if someone mentioned being concerned as they saw the first airplane heading on strange trajectory 10-20 seconds before it hit the WTC in New York in 2001 would you immediately post a question here about the "so-called" threat to buildings there?

How about asking a real question about science once in a blue moon? Test your ability to take on a new challenge?


The retreat of the glaciers that marked the end of the last ice age ended 6,000 years ago.


Fix or Repair Daily

< it's been getting colder for the past 15 years>

No it hasn't


The quality of questions being asked on here...

The weather is so variable, I don't notice anything. (But if my house was on permafrost, I would.)

I do notice now that the Big Oil Propaganda Machine is now in motion.

For proof, note the stuff put out by Limbaugh, Fox News, ICECAP and WUWT, for example.

What is one thing you can observe today that was directly caused by so-called "global warming"? I can feel the increased 0.08degs in how hot it is every day because of so-called "global warming".