> Why weren't the computer models able to correctly predict that so-called "global warming" would give us re

Why weren't the computer models able to correctly predict that so-called "global warming" would give us re

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Bumper crops don't sell. Bumper crops don't scare. Who on earth would be stupid enough to program a computer to forecast that? Definitely not one who is working for a greenie goal.

Quote by Sir John Houghton, pompous lead editor of first three IPCC reports: “If we want a good environmental policy in the future we’ll have to have a disaster.”

A bumper crop does not fit in the realm of a disaster.

The problem is that the warmers are LYING.


This is a funny article. A "scientist" claiming that we are already seeing the effect of climate change on crops.

Now if you actually look at crop production worldwide, the numbers are hard to track down, but they all say that not only is crop production increasing, BUT it is increasing faster than the population.

Now you will note in this article it suggests that you can see the effect based on the price of food.

Funny they bring that up. The amount of crop in value used for ethanol due to the ethanol mandate is 4 times as much as the amount of crops lost to the Cali droughts during the same period of time. Of course food prices will go up if they continue stupid policies. What does that have to do with AGW?

You're assuming the model's concern about crop failures applies today. Believe it or not, they may be looking further out.

The effect of AGW is pretty mild so far. The concern is for 100 years from now.

"Global" meaning... you know. Farmers, every farmer? Please... lol

And there are those called fertilizers and pesticides that... help harvest. What will stop global warming? lol

Crops aren't grown out in the forest with no watch anymore. Get with the times.

Global warming didn't give us bumper crops. Improved agriculture did.

It seems those models are programmed to give only negative results. Their krystal balls are calibrated to see only gloom and doom.

The consensus of "scientists" who gaze into the crystal computers told us that all signs pointed to so-called "global warming" would lead to record crop failure. Some members of the consensus prognosticated that these crop failures would lead to wars and even cannibalism. Instead farmers are having problems finding ways to store and ship a record harvest. Why were the computer models and 'scientific" prophesy so far off once again?