> Will you be disappointed if so-called "global warming" doesn't happen this winter?

Will you be disappointed if so-called "global warming" doesn't happen this winter?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And if "global warming" does happen, how will you celebrate?

The greenies will get some green wine and sit around the fire and watch Al Gore counting his greenbacks.

Jimmy Hansen will hoist a couple for Communism.

Michael Mann might show up in court, for once.

Hillary will sing, "What does it matter know?" with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Harry Reid leading them.

The Mayor of Houston will think about letting the preachers write their own sermons.

Peggy will pay for a ship cruise for Maxx. The cruise will take the same course as the Titanic. (Be wary of greenies bearing gifts.)

Leo DiCaprio will buy the Nimitz for his personal yacht. (The other one didn't burn enough fuel.)

Obama will go golfing.

Soros will buy black market oil from ISIS and sell it at a huge profit. (Waddayah mean he's already doin that?!) Oh!

Santa Claus will give each reindeer a lube job this year.

The Dorkster will consider not being so abusive.

Global warming or climate change is a term used to describe the increase in the Earth's climate system. Hence, the name Global warming. Global warming occurs naturally over millions of years. We know this due to fossil records. Yes, evolution is a fact. However, this process is being sped up dramatically due to The Human race's obsession with burning fossil fuels. You see, fossil fuels release CO2 when burnt. CO2 then traps the Sun's heat into the Earth's atmosphere. This is all a chain effect. Now, the ice burgs start to melt. Yes, this is bad. As you might already know, the Earth's oceans are delicate and serve as a major system to regulate our planet's climate. This is why we are now having such weird weather around the world. Of course, as the ice melts, the sea levels rise, which means less land. How can anyone call this serious issue a myth? It is real. Our race relies on science. It is responsible for all our luxuries. Yet we mistreat it. This is the 21st century. Live in the present. Use your brain. You've got it for a reason, you know.

Climate Change can either cause cold or warm conditions. It happens gradually over centuries and is inconsistent with it's effects, but they do happen. Our knowledge as a race is laughable. We are not special or smart. Think outside the box. Think with common sense & intelligence.

You're confusing weather with climate. Global warming isn't something that happens some years but not others. It is an overall trend toward warming, but as any stock investor can tell you, a general upward trend can contain many large jumps up and down in the short term.

As someone else has pointed out, global warming and climate are two different things. Global warming can affect the climate, but to be honest it's pretty poorly named, because it can cause horrifically cold temperatures as well. I prefer the term climate change. It's an ongoing issue, not a potential seasonal event. Also, why would anyone celebrate? Is the destruction of our planet something to throw a party for?

We're coming out of an ice age (we're currently in an "interglacial" period). Of course things are going to warm up.

Winter is over, in my part of the world and was unseasonably warm


Scotland had a decent summer this year. That's all I know.

I live in Seaside Park N.J.. I would be happy if it doesn't happen.

global average over planet ..not usa.

australia will be hot

What do you mean "this winter"? That would be weather.

And if "global warming" does happen, how will you celebrate?