> I have a theory of Global warming?

I have a theory of Global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
we are the Global warming. all the heat generated by fires,industry, humans's in general. take a 70 degree room and add 200 people. and it gets hot

You are right and wrong at the same time. Yes put them all in a room and the room will heat up. the Mall of America in Minnesota USA (cold up there for anyone who doesn't know) has no heating systems. All of the heat for this large building is produced by the guests and employees just by being there.

However humans and othe rlife forms on earth are so very VERY small in comparison to the total volume of the earth or to the total volume of the atmosphere. Adidtionally, while there are significantly more people in the world today than there have been in the past, the total number of living organisms is probably not so much higher than before. Net thermal difference therefor is small. Net thermal difference in relation to the total atmosphere and volume of water on the earth probably would not register.

I like your thinking though. At least you are using your mind. Scale what you are looking at to the entire earth though and you may realize the flaw in your thought.

You have a good point, if you consider the amount of energy each person uses in their day to day life, and convert that into calories, it is a lot.

Well I found some stats, each person uses 5 TOE (tons of equivalent oil) per annum and with 7 billion people that is a lot of energy most of which will be converted to heat.

200 people in a room will only make the room 98.7 degree faster than if there were only, say, 5 people. There's nothing to make it hotter.

Along with studying Venus's Greenhouse Effect, and satellite measurements of the ocean temperature, the rise in temps coincides along with pollution.


What you are talking about is an urban heat island.


Urban heat islands are only a very small contributor to global warming


mostly people who believe they are substantial take the stance that there is a mass conspiracy where scientists have taken ground based observation posts and continued using them even when these urban heat islands encroach on them creating biased measurements. However, they do not understand that these have been adjusted for.


I think you theorists are retarded. Global warming is a natural cycle. We're just unnaturally speeding up the process. the earth has frozen over and melted a good number of times. Our glaciers that we're trying to prevent from melting to save polar bears are just remnants from the last ice age, they will melt, and soon enough, the earth will freeze over once again. Species of all kinds will die out or adapt as they have for millions of years, and the cycle will continue. Throw that in your theory.

I have a theory that we put out more fires than we burn. Forest fires get big, people put them out.

this is a good theory but to make it stronger, say that body heat equals CO2 output.

your right and chemicals make it hot faster like a heater

What? I hope you are not serious.

Keep your day job...

we are the Global warming. all the heat generated by fires,industry, humans's in general. take a 70 degree room and add 200 people. and it gets hot

ya . its might be..