> So, just curious, should we pay attention to what NASA says about global warming?

So, just curious, should we pay attention to what NASA says about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, you should pay attention to their satellite temperature readings, the ones that prove, even to warmist nutter James Hansen, that there has been no statistically significant warming for the last 20 years. Other readers have already pointed out that principia-scientific.org is not an entirely reliable source of information, so let's skip to James Hansen's explanation for the lack of Warming: it is the cooling effect of the smog caused by the burning of coal in China!

So the cure for global warming caused by burning coal is to ...burn more coal! Glad you cleared that up, James.

If he is right, what this appears to prove is that Global Warming from 1975 to 1995 was caused by the Clean Air movement in the West. Clean air from burning coal cleanly in modern furnaces with filtration and catalytic convertors rid us of the smog and acid rain but let more sunlight reach the Earth. If that is price of clean air, then so be it. I'll take the balmy weather over Soot, Acid Rain and Lung Cancer any day.

Global Warming is not caused by CO2, it is caused by clean air.

Talk about an inconvenient Truth for the Warmist brigade.

According to the link in that article, NASA says that CO2 (among other gases) deflected a large amount of energy from a solar flare. This is true; CO2 and other gases are a kind of stabilizing factor, protecting Earth from the large temperature swings common on planets with little to no atmosphere.

That doesn't mean that an increase in CO2 won't raise the average temperature over time; the NASA article makes no claim regarding this. Global warming due to an increase in CO2 concentrations is different from deflection of a spike in the energy reaching Earth by CO2.

Just so we're clear here, they are talking about a solar flare, so it was a particle flux, not solar radiation. These particles carry a lot of energy since they are moving very fast, but it's not electromagnetic radiation. The particles collide with the molecules in the thermosphere, the molecules heat up, and the CO2 and NO radiate that heat back to space. But the heating is a kinetic effect from an incoming particle flux, not a downwelling electromagnetic radiative flux.

But then, I wouldn't expect any of you skeptics to really understand this distinction. I really don't know why I bother, except to point out that some people around here understand these things. You all are kind of sad in a way, claiming to be interested in the science and continually demonstrating that not one of you understands any of it at all. I suppose I should just enjoy watching you ding-dongs talk to each other. It's like observing a special-ed class, except without the helmets.

Principia scientific international.


Why do you 'skeptics' rely so heavily on second hand sources for your 'news'?

Is it because they make news 'easier to understand' for you? Or is it because you simply love the unscientific opinion stuff mixed into the article (and are totally unable to separate fact from fiction)?

There's nothing (NOTHING) in the original NASA article which even remotely suggest the wild conclusions which Mr Tim Ball's little fake scientific outfit says it reaches. That is very likely due to the fact that Principia Scientifica's little 'article' was written by a man whose expertise is developing and and selling his own line of skin care products together with someone known to have made false claims about his professional career.

But thanks for pointing out once again that self-proclaimed skeptics are not skeptic at all but just extremely easy to fool with pseudo-scientific articles with a high 'wish it were true' factor.

Unfortunately it is not only climate scientists that twist and distort facts and theories, deniers do it too.

This is not what NASA was saying, It is a fact that this earth would be a very poor place with greenhouse gases, the argument is how much GHG can this earth have and what will be the effect of more Co2. that is what is in dispute.

We sure should pay attention to NASA. But NASA says that Earth is warming.

You should take some science courses yourself and learn the laws of thermodynamics. Carbon dioxide can not cool Earth.

And if you want to know what NASA says, check with NASA, rather than with anti-science web sites.


Does the headline look like NASA thinks Earth is cooling.

You should probably pick OM for BA for finding a debunking of principia-scientific.org or wattsupwiththat

Principia Scientific are the true deniers of AGW refuting the greenhouse effect entirely. It's not surprising that they would misrepresent that NASA press release trying support their "theories".

If Anthony Watts cuts them down, you know it's got to be pretty bad: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/03/28/a-...

I'm going to have to go with Mike on this one. Nasa was talking about what happens in the thermosphere.

Misdirection of just stupid? I choose the later

Not at all. They have an agenda and are associated with James Hansen, a known activist.

They will say anything that our President wants them to say. They will do anything that will scare people. Scaring people is a great tool in controlling people.

"Fear is the most debilitating of all human emotions. A fearful person will do anything, say anything, accept anything, reject anything, if it makes him feel more secure for his own, his family's or his country's security and safety, whether it actually accomplishes it or not...."

"It works like a charm. A fearful people are the easiest to govern. Their freedom and liberty can be taken away, and they can be convinced to believe that it was done for their own good - to give them security. They can be convinced to give up their liberty - voluntarily."

―Gene E. Franchini, retired Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court

It is an old formula best expressed by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

NASA is part of that practical politics.

They're apparently pretty convinced CO2 cools the earth...


And apparently, my prediction that alarmists would change directions and eventually blame human pollution for cooling the earth has come true....

Abusing the Religious just never gets old.

Of course the Christians mean well so I hate doing it to them.

But smack away at those Socialist Warmons, the church of the Latter Day Heat needs to be separated from wallet of our State will all due haste.

Their Prophets preach hatred & death of Free Market Capitalism & so deserve the damnation that they spew.