> What is a normal temperature for the Earth?

What is a normal temperature for the Earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
As cold as possible please. It's widely concurred by 97% of every scientist on the planet that colder is much better than warmer. A colder Earth will give us, more alkaline oceans, falling sea levels, more beach front property, increased crops, less poison ivy, more polar bears, less tornado's/hurricanes, less disease, no climate refugees and a massive North Pole.

If you look at what I've said, I've actually agreed with a lot of the agw arguments I'm just stating them from another logical angle.

98.6 F Kidding! I would say that the predictions are far more catastrophic than actual happenings. Temperatures change 30 to 40 degrees every day around where I live and that has never changed. I know that there is a more drastic change in the deserts. Something like 60 degrees. Isn't the current average temperature rise of the planet since 1870 something like 0.75 Celsius?

I don't see the media screaming with the evidence. Why can't climate science convince them to show where it is being such a detriment to people? I would think that if it was a gravely dangerous situation, then it would always be all over the news, but it isn't.

I am honestly not sure. I know it has been MUCH colder. Research snowball earth.

I know it has been much warmer. Look at the paleo record.

I know in the past several milenia, for the past million years or so the earth has been regularly cycling between ice ages and interglacials like we are in now. I know that interglacials are much better for bio-diversity than the ice ages and humans fair significantly better as well. inter-glacial periods are also significantly shorter than ice ages...

I know that what is more significant about our historical record, human recorded history going back 5,000 - 10,000 years, is how steady and relatively constant the climate has been. What we are seeing now could simply be an end to our amazingly constant, and good for us, climate. This could be a beginning of the end of the interglacial. It could be many things. Anyone who "knows" otherwise is either far more ignorant than they want you to beleive or they are lying to you.

for some here who proclaim AGW and sound more educated I would say some are either hopelssly willfully ignorant or they are bltant liars. Perhaps they have gone so far into it they forgot that most basic scientific principle. Question Everythig, especially your own "beliefs".

EDIT: @ Pindar. Thats funny. Took me a few moments before I figured out you were joking...


You are totally missing the point.

No one denies the earth's climate has always been changing. What is totally different this time is the RATE of change (hence the term 'rapid climate change'). It is this rate of change which is virtually unprecedented, particularly since human beings have been around.


A normal climate change would be one which a) would have known natural reasons (ie, like the Milankovitch cycles we know about) and, more importantly, b) would happen over the same time periods as previous climate changes have happened (thousands of years; not a mere 100 years as we are observing now).

<<....and who could possibly determine what normal Earth climate change is in Earth's very long existence? >>

That's what paleoclimatic scientists do. They determine the 'normal climate' for each period given the natural situation at the time.


Either that or incredibly stupid,. In your case it is the latter as you are TOTALLY missing the point while repeating the naive "climate has changed before" claim, as if scientists hadn't figured THAT one out.



I did just that. The problem is that you are too politically biased to be able to grasp that and, more importantly, to accept it. Scientific data is neither left nor right, democrat nor republican, black or white. It is 'what it is'. Tough.

About 20 Deggre c during Jurassic time

For humans around 37VC or 98.4°F. As far as the planet, anything oges as you well know.

To big grif, you want to know the truth? Read this, then follow the link!

If anyone watched the recent T.V. series presented by Professor Brian Cox on the Solar system, and you knew anything about astronomy, you would see that the weather on Earth is affected by gravity, in exactly the same way as Io, a moon of Jupiter is affected. Io is a solid lump of rock the same size as our moon, which, due to gravitational forces, liquefies and causes volcanoes. The same applies to one of the moons of Saturn, the name of which I missed. EXACTLY the same forces that are causing the increased volcanic and earthquake activity here on Earth in the past 20 or so years due to the line up of the major planets and the Sun.


CO2 has no measurable effect on the climate!.

The normal temperature on Earth is a good bit warmer than it currently is, ice should not be present on Earth's surface at all. We are currently in a small ice age that is likely to melt as temperatures rise for a few thousands years before we plummet back into a deep ice age of the type where ice covers most of North America right down to the Carolinas and Florida sinks. Of course, it should then warm back up after awhile and we're back to square one. At least it is easier to cool a hot environment than it is to heat a frozen one, naturally speaking.

According to Al Gore it is millions of degrees just below the surface which is another demonstration of just how stupid Forest Gore is. The normal temperature of the earth at its core is about 7000 C and gets cooler as you move toward the surface. The atmosphere is not nearly as stable and varies a few degrees over time depending on many circumstances. Alarmists like to pretend that any variation is caused by capitalism and just demonstrates their idiocy and ignorance IMO.


DA deniers like yourself think AGW is political-communist or socialist government telling everyone what to do, Why not quit your bellyaching about BS and come up with one iota of real climate science to support your beliefs....Oh I forgot...there isn't any

BTW genius Earth doesn't have one temperature, it is very big and has thousands upon thousands of temperatures.

You DA deniers always have someone to blame but can't defend your position Very sad

Who is to say that if we do not have climate perfection and normalcy while we are alive then something is seriously wrong? I can't believe people still actually believe in the manmade global warming political hoax.

We are living in a interglacial period, our earth is normally much colder than now, enjoy it while you can.


Like most deniers, you're missing the point--no one is trying to achieve "climate perfection and normalcy," what would be nice to avoid is rapid climate change. We have trillions of dollars of infrastructure and billions of lives based (roughly) on the climate and sea level of the 20th century, if those things change rapidly then it will be extremely costly.