> Global warming stopped 20 years ago, how will people like being lied to?

Global warming stopped 20 years ago, how will people like being lied to?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
My opinion is most politicians are now in trouble. I believe the global warming thing is an excuse to have a carbon tax in developed countries and to deny development in poor countries such as the building of electrical power plants. Educate yourself on UN Agenda 21, the US Patriot Act and events such as the 911 attacks and even the Sandy Hook and Aurora shootings.

I've been hearing all about this 20 year pause so I decided to check it for myself. I just took data from GISS and plotted the annual average temperature over the past 20 years.

I then fit this to a line.

The slope of that line is 0.01552. The error is 0.00354. The slope is positive. Temperatures have increased over the past 20 years by about 0.02 degrees per year.

Those who want to see the plot can email me. If there is some problem with using GISS data, then please suggest another source and I'll plot those too when time allows.

Incidently, R is 0.72 for the line fit. It's 0.62 for an exponential decay fit (ie an attempt to fit it to a function that levels off). Therefore the line is a better fit to the data.

The politicians will say they were misled by those corrupt scientists. The scientists will say their heads of department asked them to be more creative or loose their jobs. The heads of department will say, If we did not provide the evidence of global warming the politicians would withdraw their funding. The circle will be closed but if I were a scientist i would get a telephone book to put down my pants for when the @rse kicking starts.

No, global warming did not stop 20 years ago. 17 years ago was an abnormally warm year, but the average temperature over the last 50 years keeps going up.

Many of them have been aware of the lie the whole time. They are tired.

The rest, most of them, are too stupid or naive to notice.

I take it that you didn't actually read the article. I suggest that you do.


News is breaking out all over: global warming stopped 20 years ago. A political earthquake has resulted from a feature story in the Economist magazine because the Economist used to be a consistent cheerleader for global warming activism. Doubts about global warming used to be censored by its London editors, one reporter confided to Stephen Hayward. So what will voters do to Democrat candidates in 2014 and 2016 when the former realize that the Democratic Party was lying to them? Is it time to run away from the issue for Democrats, journalists, and Hollywood personalities?