> Should I change roomates?

Should I change roomates?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i don't know if your a religious man, but turning to god always helps. If your not religious i would advise you to talk with your current roommate, just be honest, he will understand if your truthful about the situation.

You must have made good use of my advice. Last week you said you were in the eighth grade

wanting to study climate science and here you are already in college with a roommate. What should you do? Probably you should stop making things up.

I know what you mean. My wive believes in Catastrophic Global Warming and she invites all her friends over and they all believe in it too. It's like a having hippie drum circle in my living room. Whenever I get tired of them or I need to do some work I get out the bible and say "Have you women let Jesus Christ into your hearts yet?" and then I'll start reading some random passages. That clears them out pretty quick.

Realize that you can't control other people's lives. But you don't have to be influenced by them either.

You will be happier if you enjoy yourself. People who rely on others for their comfort, enjoyment or entertainment are never happy.

Your roommate has his own friends, you have your own friends. You should move in with your friends next semester and you can still remain friends with your current roommate. I think you'll be happier. Good luck!

Start hanging around your apartment naked. I guarantee they won't be coming around as much.

I was think about rooming with a friend next semester in another dorm hall because the people I actually do things with live there, but I'm also cool with my roomate right now and I do things with him sometimes, the only problems I have with him is that I'm not really friends with his friends so it's kinda awkward when they come in to chill and they come into my room to drink once or twice a week which I don't drink so it can disrupt my studies. What should I do?