> Will there be a collapse on Industrial Civilization by 2030?

Will there be a collapse on Industrial Civilization by 2030?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
as said by Guy Mcpherson author of Nature Bats Last, will there be an extinction/apocalypse?

If it does collapse it will not be because of global warming.

It nearly collapsed in 2008 [1] and we are not completely out of the woods yet, as more banks are failing every year now then before the financial crisis.[2] However things are slowly improving (despite tea party Republicans trying to sabotage the recovery) and by 2015 we may finally see significant growth again.

Another short term concern is income inequality, at some point when a sufficient number of people are unable to provide for their families, while others are bathing in wealth. there will be increasingly violent protest culminating in an overthrow of governments (hopefully peacefully) Both sides acknowledge this when they impose trade sanctions on nations. Sadly the results of overthrowing governments are unpredictable and it might bring radicals to power and we end up with an even bigger problem. When the economy picks up steam wages for the lower incomes will go up again and providing we can avoid another crisis I do not expect a collapse any time soon. There are however some serious challenges to overcome to prevent another crisis, none of this is likely to happen in the current political climate where both the Democrats and the Republicans legislate for their donors rather then what is good for the country.

More like a collapse of human ideology, considering everyone by the second is getting more technologified. But tides can change, and maybe that will happen. Then the people will beg tips from the Amish.

Not without a global war of unprecedcxented scale, or a natural disaster along the lines of a dinosaur killing asteroid.

No neither collapse of industrialization or ideology

There will be significant climate change issues but not a collapse of civilization

I don't know I am not psychic but don't worry about it live you life they also said the work was going to end In 2012 and we are still here.

Who knows maybe a asteroid will hit or Yellowstone super volcano might explode.

Its been over 600,000 years since the last time.

If liberals have their way

Do you really think anyone can honestly read the future????!!!!!!!!!!! So stupid!!!!!!!!!!

as said by Guy Mcpherson author of Nature Bats Last, will there be an extinction/apocalypse?