> Health gets affected by change in weather!?

Health gets affected by change in weather!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
my health becomes serious because of change in weather! this affect my studies very much! so give me some tips!

Stay indoors, in a well ventilated temperature controlled 100% O2 environment.

Well eat healthy, get plenty of sleep, try B complex vitamins, multi vitamin as well as C

I take 2000 mg of C in winter which does me well

The weather itself doesn't really make you sick but if your immune system is weak you are indeed more susceptible to bacteria and viruses and changes in body temperature can make some dormant and others to become more active

Use a sun lamp in winter. The full spectrum light stimulates seratonin


Take a daily vitamin, especially D in winter


Don't gorge on food, but don't skimp either

Yes, some people are not able to cope up with weather fast

Do yoga regularily

Give more details.

my health becomes serious because of change in weather! this affect my studies very much! so give me some tips!