> Do global warmers make up lies when they want attention?

Do global warmers make up lies when they want attention?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Well considering that from their previous lies snow should now be a thing of the past they are doing well to be able to ski at all. No rise in temps for 18 years and suddenly ski slopes are history. The lies just flow and flow from these cultists, truly they have no shame and as for the media, the word media is becoming another word for propaganda.


This latest report is merely confirmation of the study commissioned by Park City and conducted by a private consulting firm 5 years ago. The most relevant issue to the ski industry is the increase in minimum temperatures.


In 2030, the predicted 15% decrease in snowpack is estimated to result in $120.0 million in lost output. This is estimated to result in approximately 1,137 lost jobs and $20.4 million in the form of lost earnings (or labor income). In 2050, the potential impacts range from $160.4 million in lost output, $27.2 million in lost earnings, and 1,520 lost jobs (low emissions scenarios) to $392.3 million in lost output, $66.6 million in lost earnings, and 3,717 lost jobs (high emissions scenario).

And what makes you think the story isn't true?

attention and wealth .hence Al Gore

no..a number of ski areas are already affected

do deniers ?
